Life Group - Leader Guides

The Great Campaign - Week 1

When we look at all the chaos around us, we can become fearful, angry or depressed. How in the world do we navigate these crazy times with politics, news, unexpected events, and the things that are happening around us? We will be starting a series called “The Great Campaign” to help us see what God’s Word says about leaders of this world. As we dive in, we will agree to keep it safe and respectful with our Life Group friends.

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Why Do Bad Things Happen

Many of us have probably wondered why bad things happen. Just like the tragedy in the mountains. We question why God would allow such devastation. This weekend in the message, this topic is explored through the lens of God’s Word.

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Magnify Week 3

As we finish up our series on Magnify, we want to challenge, encourage and show you how to manage your finances God’s way. The Scriptures have a lot to say about managing our finances. Probably the most consistent theme on money is handling it with wisdom. We pray as you have heard this series that you would seek God, magnify His name, and use wisdom in all your ways.

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Magnify Week 2

This weekend we had the privilege of having Joe Sangl sharing with us. He shared how most of us are going through life with no protective wall. Just like the remnant of Jews in Jerusalem were living with broken down walls and no protection. Together we will look at what God’s Word says about our finances.

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Magnify Week 1

We start off a brand-new series this week called Magnify. Many times, in life when things are going well, we have all we need, and extra in the bank we tend to forget about God and trust these things. This is what happened to the Israelites in the Old Testament. They had been wandering around the desert for 40 years, having to trust God completely for their daily needs. As they are about to enter the promised land, flowing with milk and honey, they are reminded to be careful to not forget their God.

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