Life Group - Leader Guides

Realationships - Week 1

This weekend we started a new series on having real relationships. We live in a world where we have more friends than ever on social media platforms. Yet, people are lonelier than they have ever been. Let’s dig into what real relationships are and how to develop them.

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Wheat and Weeds

This weekend in the message we talked about how our culture does not always line up with biblical principles. However, God has called believers and non-believers to live together. Let’s look at what Jesus said about this in the parable of the wheat and weeds.

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God Sees the Little Things

We all go through seasons where it feels like we are in the wrong place and the work we do doesn’t have a purpose. While there are times when God calls us to something specific, most of the time there isn’t one right opportunity we should take to please God. This weekend, we talked about how we can enjoy the work we do and make our daily lives worship to the Lord.

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Confidence in the Shepherd

This weekend we talked about confidence and how sometimes we put our confidence in all the wrong things. What if we put all our confidence in God? Let's look at how we can do this.

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Desires - Week 4 - Sex

This weekend we wrapped up our series on desires with the topic of Sex. We learned that sex is not evil or wrong when it is used the way God designed for it to be. Let’s discuss God’s plan for a healthy desire of sex.

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