When Your Faith Gets Stale

When Your Faith Gets Stale 

Discussion Guide  

We all grow tired of even the best things. It can also be true of our faith. This week, we learned that we must be intentional about keeping our hearts tuned to God. When our faith becomes dry and boring, we must seek Him to find joy in His presence. Let’s learn how to keep our hearts tender and seeking after God.  

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time. 

Jump Start 

1. What is one hobby, skill, or dream you once pursued with passion, but now you could care less about doing?  

2. Desperately seek God. Read Psalm 63:1, Jeremiah 29:13, and Proverbs 8:17. What is David’s attitude and desire? When or why have you felt desperate to sense God’s presence? Is it a problem if we don’t feel this desperate need for God? What does God promise us if we are diligent to seek Him? Where in your life can you be giving God more?  

3. Remind yourself God is better. Read Psalm 63:2-3 and 1 John 5:21. When you are tempted to go it alone or pour your passion into a new hobby or interest, what does this verse ask you to consider? How does this help you overcome temptation? Are there good things, not sinful, that draw you away? Check out the 1 John 5:21 verse in another version. What does this translation make clear about your priorities?  

4. Connect with God throughout the day. Read Psalm 63:4-7. Do you have a “God Box,” a time of the week or an hour of the day where you think about Him? Is He excluded from much of the rest of your week? When should you connect with God? What if you don’t feel like it? How can you encourage yourself to reach out to God? List specific actions.  

5. Action Step: Have you stopped learning or studying about God? Do you give the service your full attention: worshipping, repenting, taking notes, and giving? Where are you leaving God behind and going you own way? Are you still getting nudges from God: for comfort, for conviction, for direction? If not, what is your plan? Do you see this as a problem? Step One: If you are a believer but far from God, ask Him to pour out His Spirit so that you want more of Him. Ask Him to give you a passion for God and make Himself known to you.  


6. The Scriptures repeatedly tell us to seek God. Look at the verses below and note any specific thing we need to do. If there is a promise in the verse, write it down. Select one of these verses to write out and consider all week. 

2 Chronicles 7:14

Psalm 9:10: 

Psalm 34:4: 

Psalm 34:10: 

Lamentations 3:25:  

Matthew 6:33: 

Hebrews 11:6