Dreams - Part 4 – When Your Dream Comes True - DG

Part 4 – When Your Dream Comes True 

Discussion Guide  

We strive so hard to get that promotion, achievement, or acclaim. But what comes next? Is it disappointment or disorientation? Even when we are pursuing God’s purposes in our lives, we can be left without vision or a next step. We learn this week that God is never done with us. We learn how to finish well, continuing in our service, giving all the glory to God. 

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time. 

Jump Start 

1. Have you ever had a dream (maybe childhood wish or bucket list trip) that has come true for you? How did you feel at that moment?  

2. What do you do when your dreams come true? What did you think about this comment: “Most worldly dreams are just not all that satisfying”? Read Genesis 45:4-7. What does Joseph know about himself and his purpose? What do you sense about his attitude and his mental / spiritual health? 

3. Allow your achievement to glorify God. Read Genesis 45:8-11. What is Joseph’s position and relationship to Pharaoh? Do you sense pride or false modesty in him? When and how does he give glory to God? Consider: Are you tempted to exhibit false modesty to cover pride? Or do you give outright glory to God when you are praised or congratulated? Action step: Check your social media; see if God got any of the glory in your feed for that promotion, new job, new baby, engagement, success. 

4. Allow your achievement to serve others. Look again at Genesis 45:5 and 7. What would it look like for you to adopt the mentality of a servant? Where can you give away the influence, the prestige, your time, or your resources? Who is the true Servant, whom Joseph foreshadows? 

5.  Allow your achievement to be a chapter in a bigger story. Although this seems to be the top of the mountain, the climax of the story, Joseph continued to serve the Lord, the Egyptians, and his family. Where have you said: “The best is in the past”? Is that the truth, professionally, physically, relationally? What is still ahead for you? 

6. Pray: The last thing Jesus said was, “It is finished.” And even that was not the end, so if you are still breathing, your best days of walking with God are ahead of you!  

Father, give us a passion to follow You, to pursue Your dreams. When we are blessed with success, we want to bring glory to You. When we falter, we want to get up and keep pursuing Your dream for us. Our prayer is to finish well, serve more, and walk more closely with You. In the mighty Name of Jesus, Amen. 


In the book of Nehemiah, we find another strong leader who finished well. Nehemiah was committed to God’s purpose and called the people to repentance of sin. He persevered and not only competed the wall but continued to lead the people back to God. 

7. Read Nehemiah 1:1-4, 11. Who was Nehemiah? What report had he heard? What did he immediately do? What is his position? How does this give him influence?  

8. Read Nehemiah 1:4, 2:5, 2:17, and Nehemiah, Chapter 3. What situations and problems in the world break your heart? What was Nehemiah’s response to the news about his people, and the walls around Jerusalem? What was his next step?  

9. Read Nehemiah 1:6-7, Jeremiah 29:11, and 1 Peter 2:9-12. Throughout the rebuilding of the wall, what obstacles did the people and Nehemiah face? How did they prevail? How does this help you finish strong and persevere? 

10. Read Nehemiah 1:11, 2:2-5, 9, and Ephesians 2:10. Remember where Nehemiah was positioned, as a cupbearer to the king. Where has God placed you to make a difference and fulfill your God-given purpose and vision? Can you imagine favor and victory in your God-ordained task?