Beyond Our Comfort
Are you an adventure-seeker, ready for anything? A “control freak” who must manage every detail and have them go exactly to plan? Maybe you’re a bit of both: willing to “let go” in some areas, but desperately trying to hold on to control in other areas. As we look at this week’s study, be willing to be uncomfortable: in your group discussion and in your personal next steps.
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Keep Being Generous
There seem to be a lot of things to worry about. The holidays are a financially stressful time. Plus, we have supply chain issues, a shortage of workers, and inflation. People generally seem less kind and friendly. We can become frustrated, impatient, and focused on our own needs, making us less compassionate to others. Let’s see how we can get reconnected in relationships and in our care for others.
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On the Sidelines - Part 4 – Pray It Forward
Have you ever felt like real, effective prayer is for the “professionals”? Both Matthew and Luke record the disciples asking Jesus to teach them to pray. He did just that: The Lord’s Prayer is that model prayer for us. It is not what to pray but how to pray. It is a lovely, unifying prayer when Christians of many denominations gather for a service or memorial. Even in our private prayer times, Jesus’ prayer is the template, not just the recitation, that we should use to develop our own prayer life with the Father. He wants us to pray effectively!
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On the Sidelines - Part 3 – Worship God’s Way
Do you ever feel like you are missing something? You're doing what you think is right, but God is not showing up in miraculous ways. He seems silent and you feel defeated. Maybe it’s time to study and see exactly what God wants from us.
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On the Sidelines - Part 2 - Serve
Jesus gives us the ultimate example of what it means to be a servant: He taught, healed, and cared for all types of people. More than that, He laid His life down for us all. If we want to follow Jesus, He calls us to live as He lived: being a servant in every room and every aspect of our lives. Let's look at scripture and discuss how we can apply this in our lives.
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