Life Group - Study Guides

REALationships - Week 4

As believers, we often encounter challenges in our relationships. Whether with siblings, parents, children, spouses, coworkers, or others. These difficulties can leave us questioning our roles and what God expects from us in these interactions. This weekend, we concluded our series on relationships by examining the Parable of the Prodigal Son, seeking to understand how God responds to us and what lessons we can apply to our own lives.

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REALationships -Real Legacy - Part 3

This weekend we talked about inviting the next generation along on our faith journey. This may be your own children, grandchildren, youth at The Cove, teammates at work, or anyone God places in your life. We are to make disciples and pass the baton. To teach the next generation how to carry on and leave a faith filled legacy.

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REALationships - Real Restoration - Week 2

Relationships are wonderful, hard, complicated, and messy at times. We have all had (or have) conflicts or situations that need restoration in our lives. This weekend in the message we talked about how to have biblical restoration with the people God has placed in our lives.

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Realationships - Week 1

This weekend we started a new series on having real relationships. We live in a world where we have more friends than ever on social media platforms. Yet, people are lonelier than they have ever been. Let’s dig into what real relationships are and how to develop them.

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Wheat and Weeds

This weekend in the message we talked about how our culture does not always line up with biblical principles. However, God has called believers and non-believers to live together. Let’s look at what Jesus said about this in the parable of the wheat and weeds.

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