Life Group - Study Guides

Judged - Week 3

We’ve arrived at week three in our series Judged. This week our focus centers around “being in the world but not of it.” This is a tough concept for so many because…um…we ARE in the world if we are still alive! We work at our jobs, we take our kids to the dentist, we go to a ball game with friends, we watch YouTube. We must dig under the surface to see what Jesus is really getting at. How does God desire us to exist alongside those outside His family in a way that draws them toward His heart and not away from it?

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Judged - Week 2

Last week we kicked off a new series Judged, focusing on self-righteous judgement. We learned that before confronting someone else, we must first ask God to examine our own hearts. This week, we will shift our focus to the times we are called to help a fellow believer who is struggling. While correction is sometimes necessary, there’s a right and wrong way to approach it. How we handle these moments can make all the difference.

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Judged - Week 1

The topic of judging! Not many things get us fired up like being judged. We all judge people, many times while not even knowing the circumstances, and yet we hate being judged by others. What does scripture say about this topic? This week we start a new series called Judged. In this first week, we are specifically considering self-righteous judgement.

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All Out - Sacrifice

Last week, we considered the way the Holy Spirit nudges us to action as we grow in our ability to share the gospel. This week we will consider what it looks like to offer an acceptable sacrifice. Whether we have a little or a lot, God values integrity and character. He doesn’t really need our money or our time, He wants our love and allegiance.

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All Out - Leaving Your Comfort Zone

Last week, we focused on individually going all out and allowing the Holy Spirit to lead us to care for others. This week we will consider the way the Holy Spirit sends us and how to grow in our ability to share the gospel. God doesn’t leave us on our own, going “all out” means following His nudges even when we don’t understand every detail. It doesn’t have to be complicated.

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