Leader Guide
We’ve arrived at week three in our series Judged. This week our focus centers around “being in the world but not of it.” This is a tough concept for so many because…um…we ARE in the world if we are still alive! We work at our jobs, we take our kids to the dentist, we go to a ball game with friends, we watch YouTube. We must dig under the surface to see what Jesus is really getting at. How does God desire us to exist alongside those outside His family in a way that draws them toward His heart and not away from it?
What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.
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Leaders: This section is designed to get discussions started, examine God’s truth, and apply it to our week. Life Group leaders should not assume everyone in their group is a Christ follower. Because they are taking part in a Life Group, they must have some openness to knowing more, exploring. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work and let Him lead you as well.
1. Who is someone (famous or not) that if they turned their life to Jesus, you’d be amazed and thrilled? Who is someone in your own sphere of influence that seems like the last person who would ever become a Christian?
2. Read John 17:15–18. Do you ever wonder why God leaves us here on Earth instead of taking us straight to Heaven when we put our faith in Jesus? How do you see God sanctifying you in the truth? (sanctify: to slowly make you into the image of Jesus) Did you catch that Jesus sends us into the world? What does this reveal about our purpose as believers?
Leaders: Be gentle with the content this week. Your goal is to provide a safe space for your group to wrestle with how they can be obedient to God’s desire to love the world around us THROUGH us. We are called to walk a fine line of being in the world but not of the world. Pray the Holy Spirit convict's hearts and opens eyes to see what God sees.
3. Read John 4:1–6. Can anyone share a time when someone went out of their way to care for you in the middle of a mess—without judging you? How full would our church be if we all had to get all the sin out of our lives BEFORE any Christian would even talk to you?
Leaders: Jesus went through Samaria, a town to be avoided, to reach one woman there. Of course, He knew the impact it would have on the whole town. Sometimes we forget we used to be lost and needed someone to share the good news with us.
4. Read James 1:14-15, 2 Cor 6:14, Matthew 5:14-16. Am I isolated from the world? Do I only spend time with Christians? Do I only spend time with non-Christians? What do you think is a healthy balance? Do you ignore sin?
Leaders: It is not our job to Bible-bash, but we must recognize that sin is dangerous and leads to death. Real love speaks up when everyone else stays silent. Remind your group that we are all UNIQUE in God’s call on our life. One of us may live a quieter life and impact a few. Others of us may impact many. Our journeys will look different, but we are all under the umbrella of God wanting us to be a light in the world!
5. Read John 4:27–29, 39. What did the woman leave behind, literally and figuratively? In verse 39 what was the result of Jesus crossing the barriers that others placed on Samaritans?
Leaders: All because Jesus shared with this woman at the well, an entire city was reached. When you love those outside the church, you not only impact that person, but also those who see you doing it. The way you love someone can have a ripple effect! Jesus loved us so much he crossed lines that no one else would, to give us what no one else could.
Action Steps: What are some ways you could push yourself this week to love and listen to someone that is already in your life? A neighbor, someone at the gym, a friend at work. Ask God to help you stop creating lines and start crossing them with the people He places in your path.