Why Do Bad Things Happen

Leader Guide 

Many of us have probably wondered why bad things happen. Just like the tragedy in the mountains. We question why God would allow such devastation. This weekend in the message, this topic is explored through the lens of God’s Word.  

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.  

Jump Start  

Leaders: This section is designed to get discussions started, examine God’s truth, and apply it to our week. Life Group leaders should not assume everyone in their group is a Christ follower. Because they are taking part in a Life Group, they must have some openness to knowing more, exploring. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work and let Him lead you as well. 

1. Have you ever had a child ask you why a certain bad thing happened? What is something tragic that you have questioned? Have the recent events been hard for you to understand? 

2. Read Matthew 5:45, 7:24-27. What do the first verses show us about God’s nature? What do the wise man, and the fool have in common? How does this show us that God is ultimately in control?  

Leaders: In His kindness, God allows good things to happen to both the just and unjust. Likewise, bad things-such as floods, hurricanes, storms, murder, and tragedies-affect both the just and unjust in this world. However, only the wise will stand because they are founded on the rock. It is in the storms that we can see God’s power and provision more clearly. 

3. Read Genesis 3:17-18, Romans 8:19-23. What was the result to the earth when Adam and Eve chose to disobey God’s one command? How does Paul describe the lasting effects sin had on all creation?  

Leaders: When tragedies occur, like the recent events in western NC, we sometimes claim God is punishing us. Other times, we paint a picture of God as only loving, suggesting that it’s okay to sin and live as we want, because He will forgive us. While it’s true that God is loving and forgiving as we heard this weekend. He also takes sin very seriously. Sin created disunity between us and God, and its effects are seen through all creation, like in the devastation of this recent flood.  

4. Read John 9:1-7. Consider how the disciples had the wrong aspect of why this man was born blind. What were the disciples focused on? What was Jesus focused on?  

Leaders: So often we ask the wrong questions, just as the disciples did with the blind man. We ask God why things happen. Instead, like Jesus, we should be asking how this can bring glory and honor to His kingdom. Jesus said the man was blind so the power of God could be seen.  

Action Steps:  

Pray for Perspective: Ask God to shift your focus from “Why is this happening?” to “How can this bring honor to You?” Pray and ask God to help you bring Jesus into the room or situations. So many times, we avoid bringing up the name of Jesus or offering to pray with someone. Ask God to help you with this.  

Serve Others: Get involved in a serve opportunity! Seek to reflect Christ’s love to those who are going thru difficult times. https://www.covechurch.org/disasterrelief/