Leader Guide
Well friends, you did it! You read the whole book of Romans. As we conclude our discussion with the last two chapters, we see the Jews and Gentiles arguing. The Jews continued to uphold their laws, while the Gentiles argued that these laws no longer applied. These types of disputes can cause division in our homes, relationships, and the Church. Paul speaks to the Jews and Gentiles over these disputable matters.
What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.
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Leaders: This section is designed to get discussions started, examine God’s truth, and apply it to our week. Life Group leaders should not assume everyone in their group is a Christ follower. Because they are taking part in a Life Group, they must have some openness to knowing more, exploring. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work and let Him lead you as well.
1. Have you had a time where you passionately disagreed with someone, such as your spouse, coworker, friend? Were you able to agree to disagree?
2. Read Romans 14:1-5. What are some modern examples of disputable matters? How can disputable matters destroy friendships, family relationships, and Churches? How can we honor our individual convictions while respecting the beliefs of others within our Christian community?
Leaders: Paul is trying to explain to the culture that the non-essentials don’t matter. For the Jews and Gentiles, it was concerning eating certain meat and participating in some festivals. For us it can be which news stations, cars, iPhone verses Android, music, drinking, tattoos and so much more. Non-disputable matters are those gray areas that scripture does not specifically say. How can we further the gospel and church of Jesus Christ if all we do is argue.
3. Read Romans 14:10-13,17-19. Is there someone in your life that feels judged by you? Are your judgements based on opinion or Scripture? How can you rest in the fact that God will take care of any issue? How does this scripture reshape how you might approach disagreements with others?
Leaders: God is the judge. We don’t have to worry about that and in fact are commanded not to judge. Scripture asks us to live in such a way that will not cause another believer to stumble or fall. There will be times when hard conversations and correction are needed in matters of sin, but our goal is unity and building others up.
4. Read Romans 15:5-7. How can we show the same patience and grace with others as God shows to us? Are you able to speak highly of someone who has different views than you? Share some ways in your personal life that this will bring glory to God.
Leaders: How can we accept the grace and forgiveness of Christ in our own lives and condemn others? Those of us who have received it should be the ones giving it out. If we live this out in our lives people will see this amazing love and desire this for themselves. This is how we will further the Kingdom of Christ.
5. Action Step: The Church is to bring people from death to life through Jesus Christ. This week and moving forward how will you create unity and help further the Gospel of Jesus Christ? Ask the Holy Spirit to reveal any areas that need growth, helping you create unity rather than arguments over things that don’t matter. Go be who God created you to be!