Leader Guide
We all have different experiences with reading the Bible. We hope that through this series you can find the way you most enjoy spending time in God’s Word. Try different versions and find the one that makes sense to you. This week we explored Romans 4, 5, and 6. Paul takes us back to the story of Abraham and his great faith in believing that God would do what he promised even when it seemed impossible.
What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.
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Leaders: This section is designed to get discussions started, examine God’s truth, and apply it to our week. Life Group leaders should not assume everyone in their group is a Christ follower. Because they are taking part in a Life Group, they must have some openness to knowing more, exploring. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work and let Him lead you as well.
1. Do you remember the very first time you opened the Bible and tried to start reading it? How was that experience? Have you ever felt like everyone around you knew the Bible and you didn’t?
2. Read Romans 4:1-6. Why does God not make us right in His eyes by our actions? What made Abraham righteous in God’s eyes?
Leaders: Our actions matter, but we can never do enough to be seen as “good” in God’s eyes. If good works made us right with God, our pride would take over. In the same way, God made Abraham the father of the Jewish nation because of his faithfulness.
3. Read Romans 4:18-21, Romans 5:3. How did Abraham’s story bring glory to God? What has spiritual endurance looked like for you? How does our faith fill the gaps when we don’t understand?
Leaders: Abraham waited and waited for a child that God promised him. His faith stayed consistent, and he honored God during this time of waiting. When he reached 100 years God fulfilled the promise.
4. Read Romans 6:1-2, Romans 6:12-13, Romans 6:23. What does this scripture teach us about continuing to sin? What challenges are allowing you to grow in your faithfulness to God? How has this free gift changed your life?
Leaders: The most difficult moments in our lives, the ones where everything feels uncertain, those moments give us a great opportunity to grow our faith. When we choose to grow in these moments, we will have a new desire in our hearts to please the Lord, to honor Him and turn away from sin. Remember our journey with God is a process.
5. Action Step: Continue reading the next section of Romans. Reflect on these questions this week: What current circumstance, challenge, or difficult situation are you facing right now? This weekend we were challenged to ask God what He would have us change, stop, or start for Him?