Leader Guide
Relationships are wonderful, hard, complicated, and messy at times. We have all had (or have) conflicts or situations that need restoration in our lives. This weekend in the message we talked about how to have biblical restoration with the people God has placed in our lives.
What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.
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Leaders: This section is designed to get discussions started, examine God’s truth, and apply it to our week. Life Group leaders should not assume everyone in their group is a Christ follower. Because they are taking part in a Life Group, they must have some openness to knowing more, exploring. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work and let Him lead you as well.
1. Share a time when a relationship was restored in your life. Do you currently have an unresolved issue in a relationship?
2. Restoration Requires Transparency. Read Genesis 45:1-3. Consider how often we hide our true feelings in broken relationships. Who was it hurting most when Joseph hides the truth? In what way do you need to be transparent in a relationship to see it restored?
Leaders: If we want to see true restoration and healing in our relationships, we must be transparent. A lot of times we must make the first move. We can’t stay passive just to avoid hard conversations. In Romans 5:8 Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Jesus made the first move, and we want to do as Christ did.
3. Restoration Requires Forgiveness. Read Genesis 45:4-5, Colossians 3:13. How does this scripture imply that Joseph has forgiven his brothers? In Colossians does Christ suggest or command forgiveness? In what way might God be asking you to make the first move in a broken or strained relationship?
Leaders: Forgiveness is not a feeling; it is a choice and commanded by our Lord. We cannot base forgiveness on our feelings. Our feelings are not accurate and will lie to us. Forgiveness allows us to finally move on in our life and the relationship.
4. Allow God to Use Your Pain. Read Genesis 50:20, 2 Corinthians 1:4. How did God use the hurt and pain in Joseph’s life to help others? How can God use your hurt and pain to help others in your life?
Leaders: We want to be clear; God does not cause pain. However, our God is so big that He can take what was originally intended for evil and use it for good. Our relationship with Christ was messy and broken. Yet, he made the first move to restore that relationship with Him and to use our lives for something bigger. Don’t waste your pain, allow God to use it to help others.
Action Step: Ask God to show you any relationships that may need healing or restoration in your life. Ask Him to help you be transparent and make the first move, forgive, and allow God to use your pain.
5. Read John 4:7-17. Consider the woman at the well, was she being transparent with Jesus in the beginning? What can we speculate about the woman since she came to the well when no one else was there?
Leaders: This woman had some broken, messy relationships. She came to the well at a time no one would be there. Probably to avoid the ridicule of others. However, Jesus had a plan for her hurt and pain. She was not transparent in the beginning, but of course Jesus knew her story.
6. Read John 4:25-30, John 4:39. How did the forgiveness of Jesus change her life? How did Jesus use her pain to change the lives of so many?
Leaders: Jesus turned this whole story upside down. Her life was full of broken relationships, hurt, and pain. He showed up one day to offer her forgiveness. Then she in turn shared with others what He had done for her. Jesus used this to save many in that town. Jesus wants to restore broken relationships; which is why He came, died and rose again.