Leader Guide
This weekend we started a new series on having real relationships. We live in a world where we have more friends than ever on social media platforms. Yet, people are lonelier than they have ever been. Let’s dig into what real relationships are and how to develop them.
What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.
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Leaders: This section is designed to get discussions started, examine God’s truth, and apply it to our week. Life Group leaders should not assume everyone in their group is a Christ follower. Because they are taking part in a Life Group, they must have some openness to knowing more, exploring. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work and let Him lead you as well.
1. How would you describe a real or true friend? Have you had the privilege of experiencing a true friend?
2. Build Faith, Building Friendships. Read Daniel 3:13-18. In verse 16, who did it say answered the king? Do you find it harder to connect or make friends in this culture? How do we develop friendships that build up our faith and challenge us?
Leaders: The three men stuck by each other. It would have been easy for one of them to bail out. They were encouraged by each other's faith; therefore, they were able to stand strong in the face of adversity.
3. Read Proverbs 27:6, 1 Corinthians 15:33, Proverbs 13:20. What do these verses teach us about choosing friendships? Can you share a time you have been challenged or confronted by a true friend? What was the outcome?
Leaders: Gods Word teaches us to be the kind of friend that speaks truth into others even when it's hard. We are called to surround ourselves with wise people. We tend to make friends with people who think like us but sometimes we need friends that challenge us. This is how we can develop friendships built on faith.
4. Build Fire Walking Friendships. Read Daniel 3:19-28. How were the three friends' faith tested in this scripture? Are we the kind of friend that will walk through the fires of life with them? Who was with the three friends in the fire?
Leaders: It is not always easy when we are tested and face the fires of life. Ask God to help you seek wise, faithful friends. The kind that will stick by your side through the hard times. Most importantly Jesus is that kind of friend. You will not find a better friend than Jesus. He will also be with you as you support a friend and try to be the kind we see in this scripture.
Action Step: Ask God to help you find real community. It takes work, it won’t just fall in your lap. Take the initiative, make the first move, and be the kind of friend that you would want to have. Prioritize Christ centered relationships by looking for those that are following Jesus. Place yourself in faith building environments. It’s worth the effort and God will be faithful to guide you.
5. Read Ruth 1:16-18. How do you see the “Fire Walking” kind of friendship between Naomi and Ruth? How can we be the kind of person and friend that Ruth was?
Leaders: Even though Ruth was family by marriage, she had the opportunity to walk away after the death of her husband. Yet, Ruth was the kind of person that we should all aspire to be. She stuck by Naomi side even in the trails of life. She was committed to love her, help her, and serve her God. I want that kind of friend and to be that kind of friend.
6. Read Ruth 2:11-12, Ruth 4:13-17. Consider how God blessed Ruth’s faithfulness to Naomi. How does this friendship between Ruth and Naomi create blessings for generations?
Leaders: We have no idea how our “faith building” and “fire building” friendships will impact others. We see God had a plan for this friendship and the faith of Naomi that led us all the way to Jesus. God use us to help our friends grow their faith and be willing to walk the fires with them like Ruth.