Desires - Week 3 - Control

Leader Guide 

This weekend we talked about how we all want control in some area of our life. Unfortunately, sometimes our need for control affects us spiritually. Let's discuss how the need for control impacts us.  

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.  

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Leaders: This section is designed to get discussions started, examine God’s truth, and apply it to our week. Life Group leaders should not assume everyone in their group is a Christ follower. Because they are taking part in a Life Group, they must have some openness to knowing more, exploring. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work and let Him lead you as well. 

1. Do you consider yourself a “control freak” or do you have certain areas in life that you feel the need to be in control of?  

2. How Control Impacts Our Faith. Read Exodus 16:19-20. What did God command of the Israelites? What was the result of their disobedience? How does this show that they struggled to trust God? 

Leaders: The Israelites weren’t supposed to keep the leftover food so they could clearly see God was in control of their daily provision. Due to their disobedience of not trusting God the food went bad. Just like the Israelites we must trust God daily and not our own plan. 

3. Hoarding Control Keeps Us from God. Consider some areas that cause us to feel uncertain or afraid as we wait on God, and we want to take control back. Share some ways that you tried it your way in the past and what was the outcome. 

Leaders: We tell God He can have control over our lives, but when the future seems unknown, we want to take control back. The Israelites weren’t sure God would provide for them every day, so they took over control. The areas in our lives that we control the most reveals where we trust God the least.  

4. Yielding Control Reveals God’s Faithfulness. Read Exodus 16:24, Psalm 34:8. What was the outcome when the Israelites trusted and obeyed God’s plan? What are some ways you have seen Gods faithfulness when you did things His way? 

Leaders: Our job is not to fully understand, but to fully obey God. God wants us to get to a place where we stop being so afraid of what “ifs” and trust that He can work all things for our good. 

Action Step: Ask God to show you what area you need to release control and give it to Him. Is there an area that God would like you to make time for in life? Ask God to help you give Him the control of your future.   

Leaders: For those in your group, it may be their schedule, marriage, dating life, future, or another area. God wants us to get to a place where we can lay down our daily lives and future to Him. Our trust in God allows us to live in the present and be available to follow the Holy Spirit’s guidance.   


5. Read Genesis 16:1-4. How was Sarai taking control of the situation?  

Leaders: God had a plan for Abram and Sarai, but Sarai took matters into her own hands. Just like Sarai we have a hard time waiting on God as times.  

6. Read Genesis 16:5-6. What was the outcome? What was the impact of Sarai’s choice?  

Leaders: Her choice caused a mess. Hurt, pain, and long-term conflict.  

7. Read Genesis 21:1-2. Did God keep His promise? Why was God’s way best? 

Leaders: We see here that God was faithful to keep His promises even though Sarai had tried it here way, in her timing. Although the consequences of her actions created much heartache. Here we see why letting God have control is always best for our lives.