Leader Guide
The Easter story is the most amazing story ever and one of the hardest to believe for some people. Jesus lived, was beaten, nailed to a cross, died, and rose on the third day and is now alive. This true story changed the world.
What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.
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Leaders: This section is designed to get discussions started, examine God’s truth, and apply it to our week. Life Group leaders should not assume everyone in their group is a Christ follower. Because they are taking part in a Life Group, they must have some openness to knowing more, exploring. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work and let Him lead you as well.
1. Have you ever heard a story so far-fetched that you had a hard time believing it was true? Do you have a story that when you share it, people are skeptical?
2. Read Matthew 28:5-6. What is the amazing news announced by the angel? How has this news impacted your life?
Leaders: Be sensitive here as you may have non-believers in your group. This weekend in the message they shared about Lee Stroble, an atheist that set out to disprove Christianity. After 2 years of research, he concluded “It would take more faith for me to maintain my atheism than to become a Christian”. The resurrection of Jesus Christ is the foundation of our faith and is also a proven historical event.
3. Because Jesus died, I have access to God. Read Matthew 27:50-51. What is the significance of the “veil?” In what way does the veil being torn from top to bottom change our access to God?
Leaders: Before Jesus, in the Old Testament, there was a veil in the temple that separated the Holy of Holies. Only a High Priest was allowed past that veil. It was a literal and symbolic means to separate sin from God. After Jesus’ death on the cross that veil was torn from top to bottom supernaturally by God. No more barriers, we now have full access to God.
4. Because Jesus gave His Spirit, we are transforming. Read 2 Corinthians 3:16-18, John 16:7, John 16:12-15. Who have we been given to help transform our lives? What is the Spirit called in John 16:7? How are you allowing the Spirit to help transform you daily?
Leaders: As Christ followers we should be different, allowing the Spirit to change us to be more like Christ. We should be listening and asking the Holy Spirit to guide us, reading and applying Gods word. As we allow Him into our lives, the “Helper” lives up to His Name helping us and changing us from old to new.
5. Because Jesus is alive, I have a purpose. Read Matthew 28:19-20. What did Jesus challenge His disciples to do with their lives? With that command, what was the promise in verse 20? How has the death and resurrection of Jesus given your life purpose?
Leaders: The disciples followed Jesus for 3 years, yet His death and resurrection had the most impact on them. They used the rest of their lives to share His message. They even gave their lives to share that Jesus was dead but now lives. In the same way, Jesus is who gives us purpose. Ultimate purpose doesn’t come from careers, education, getting married, or becoming parents. All these are great but are not our true purpose. Knowing Him, learning to following Him and helping others come to know Him is our true purpose
Action Step: This week thank God for the life, death and resurrection of Jesus - for you. Thank Him for sending the Holy Spirit that helps us and guides us. Slow down this week and start to listen to the Spirit. Ask Him to help you see where He is leading and guiding you.
6. Read Matthew 27:45-50. What was the physical impact of the death of Jesus over the land? What is the gravity of Jesus words: “My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?”
Leaders: The death of Jesus was a spiritual event and the weight of our sin caused darkness over the land. Jesus was abandoned by God at that moment because of our sin.
7. Read Matthew 27:51-54. What are some of the miraculous things that took place as Jesus died? Who was changed at the actual scene of the Cross?
Leaders: Many times, we skip over the magnitude of the death of Jesus on the cross. So many significant details are worth remembering and studying. The veil was torn, the earth shook, tombs were opened, saints were raised and appeared to many. The centurion and those with him believed because of what they witnessed that day.
8. Read Matthew 28:1-6. Who rolls the stone away from the tomb of Jesus? What does the angel show the two women? How does this set Christianity apart from all other religions?
Leaders: The Angel of the Lord rolled the stone away, told the women not to be afraid and then showed them where He was before – and was gone, risen from the dead! God thank you for Easter! The resurrection of Jesus changed the world forever. This man, recorded in history, lived, died and there is great evidence even outside of the Bible that He rose again. We believe that Jesus did what He said and defeated sin and death. It’s a big claim. It still has the same power today as it did then. You are truly the Way, the Truth and the Life.