Holy Spirit - Week 2 - Unity

Leader Guide 

In this weekend's message we considered how the Holy Spirit used the disciples to create the Church and the unity they shared together. Through spending time, sacrificing for each other, and sacrificing toward a common goal the believers were unified and filled with the Holy Spirit. 

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.  

Jump Start  

Leader’s: This section is designed to get discussions started, examine God’s truth, and apply it to our week. Life Group leaders should not assume everyone in their group is a Christ follower. Because they are taking part in a Life Group, they must have some openness to knowing more, exploring. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work and let Him lead you as well. 

1. Have you ever shared a special bond with a group of people? What was it that you had in common? 

2. Time. Read Acts 2:42-43. In this scripture what were the people devoted to? As they spent time together, what were the results? In today's world do we see more or less of this? 

Leader’s: As the disciples now had the responsibility of starting the early church, Jesus did not leave them alone. He left the Holy Spirit to help them, as we notice in verse 43 the phrase “...many wonders and signs were being done through the apostles.” They made time to get together, listen to the teachings, eat together and pray. 

3. Sacrifice for each other. Read Acts 2:44-47. What do we notice here that the believers gave over and over? Would you be willing to sacrifice something financially to help someone in need? Are we too busy to create unity within our own family, coworkers, or Life Groups? 

Leader’s: The early church gave their time; the scriptures tell us they met day by day. In our culture we may not meet daily or sell our possessions, but we can learn from this that we are too busy at times, and to build unity it takes a sacrifice of our time and being generous with what God has given us. Sacrifice toward a common goal. 

4. Sacrifice toward a common goal. Read Philippians 2:1-5. Why can it be so hard to count others better than ourselves and to look at others' interests above our own? How does verse 5 show us we can do this?  

Leader’s: This scripture encourages believers to be in one accord and one mind. We should allow the Holy Spirit to guide us and change us to be like Christ.  

5. Action Steps: This weekend we were asked to think about the ones we desire to have more unity with. It may be with our family, coworkers, or friends. Take the time this week to ask God to show you who that is in your life. Write down the ones the Spirit puts on your heart. Figure out what is important to them, serve them, plan intentional time with them.  


6. Read Ephesians 4:2-6. In this scripture, how do we keep the “unity of the Spirit?  

Leader’s: Here we see being humble and gentle with one another in love and reminding ourselves that we serve one Lord, one faith, one baptism. God the Father is over all.  

7. Read Romans 12:16. Digging further into unity, how are we to live with one another? Do you find this to be a challenge in your life? 

 Leader’s: God expects us to live in peace with one another and to not think we are better than others. 

8. Read 1 Corinthians 12:12-13. How does this scripture teach us about being in unity and that we are all parts of one body? 

Leader’s: Again, we are reminded that as believers we all form one body no matter who we are or where we have come from.