Part 1 – The Sound of Silence
Leader Guide
Our world is full of noise, of choices, and information. We seldom do “nothing.” We do not sit, think, or listen. Instead, we listen to music, podcasts, play games, or talk. Elijah, overwhelmed by his life and circumstances, finds that God is found in the silence.
What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.
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Leader: This section is designed to get discussions started, examine God’s truth, and apply it to our week. Life Group leaders should not assume everyone in their group is a Christ follower. Because they are taking part in a Life Group, they must have some openness to knowing more, exploring. Pray for the Holy Spirit to work and let Him lead you as well.
1. What's the longest you've gone without doing anything? In fact, if you had to choose between a week without your phone or a week without your favorite food, which would you pick?
2. Read 1 Kings 19:7-8. Have you ever been exhausted and fed up with life? Have you ever felt God refreshing you? How did God prepare him for the journey? When have you waited on an answer from God for a long period, like 40 days? What does 40 days signify?
Leader’s Note: Don’t skip over the fact that this exhaustion and depression followed on the heels of a great victory (see 1 Kings 18:20-48). We can be exhausted by good things. Yet God does come to us and care for us with His provision, comforting us by His Spirit or His Word, by sending a believing friend to encourage us. We can sense His peace when we reach out and turn to Him. Throughout the Bible, the 40-day waiting period is a time of preparation to begin to hear what God wants you to do.
3. Read 1 Kings 19:9-10. When Elijah finally has a chance to get in front of God and he is asked ‘What are you doing here,” what does Elijah do? Is this your MO? Read 1 Kings 19:11-12. How was Elijah expecting God to reveal Himself? Instead, how did he hear God? Had God already been speaking to Elijah?
Leader’s Note: Elijah starts with a list of his complaints, which we so often do when we come before God in prayer. We either complain or we ask for things; we forget to give Him our attention and praise. We certainly don’t start with listening for His direction. Elijah expected God to show Himself in power, as He had just done on Mt Carmel, but God spoke softly, in a low whisper. God had been directing him, feeding him, restoring him, and leading him all along. But Elijah had been discounting those thoughts, urgings, and that aid. We can often ignore the “low whisper” and want something more dramatic.
4. God speaks in the silence. Read these instances of how to hear from God. Jot down at least one “tip” from each verse.
Leader’s Note: We typically drown out our troubles with entertainment, friends, drink, information, or advice. Books, friends, your spouse, the web: none of these resources can tell you God’s direction for your life. Notice that time alone with God was Jesus’ source of strength and direction.
a. Matthew 14:13: (LN: He got away from other people. He knelt. He prayed.)
b. Luke 6:12-13: (LN: Again, He separated Himself. He prayed long (all night) in focused prayer.)
c. Luke 22:40-41: (LN: He prayed before His biggest challenge, the cross, to avoid temptation. He suggested His disciples do the same, but they did not stay awake and pray; nor did they pass the temptations without failing.)
5. Read 1 Kings 19:13-18. When God speaks clearly, what does He give Elijah?
Leader’s Note: One of the dangers of overstimulation is that we are confused and directionless. God gave Elijah directions on where to go, who to anoint, who to mentor as his successor. God also assured Elijah that he was not alone in following the One True God.
6. Action Step: Would you be willing to treat your phone like a 90’s phone, attached to the wall and stationery, for one day a week? You can use it, but not carry it. Would you commit over the next 40 days to sitting in silence, working up to 15 minutes a day, focused on God?
Here at The Cove, our mission is to Introduce our friends to Jesus, learn to follow Him, and Celebrate His Presence in our lives. We want you to be fully equipped with the Word of God by spending time with Him daily through prayer, hearing His direction, and through studying His Word. We believe this is how you will be equipped to make disciples.
To grow spiritually in 2024, we must start within ourselves, allowing the kingdom of God to rule and reign. Spend time with Him. Take time meditating on these verses:
James 1:19-21
Romans 12:2
Psalm 139:17
Isaiah 26:3
Psalm 37:7
Isaiah 30:1
Psalm 46:10
Psalm 19:14
Isaiah 40:31
2 Timothy 1:7
Psalm 141:3