Worth Fighting For - Part 1 – Love Wins

Worth Fighting For 

Part 1 – Love Wins 

Discussion Guide

Although we start many of our relationships with a compromising attitude or even a romantic type of love, that can fade. We can begin to think of our look at relationships and marriages as mostly conflicts and arguments. When that happens, we develop a me-first, “my rights,” competitive viewpoint. How can we flip the narrative and give love a chance to win in all our relationships, from marriages to families to workplaces, and friends?  

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.  

Jump Start  

1. Do you look to podcasts, research, and others for relational advice before turning to the Word of God? Is there a verse you remember when you are dealing with a relationship issue? 

2. Read Ephesians 5:25-29. What is the first direction given? How does a husband “give himself up” for his wife? How did Christ do this for us? How can we look to scripture for answers for a good marriage?  

3. Read 1 Corinthians 13:4-5. Is the love described in this passage an action or feeling? Is it some of both? Are all the attributes positive? What words describe love in these verses? Which of the “do or don’t do” actions listed are you excelling at or struggling with?  

4. Read Ephesians 4:1-2. What is our calling as Christians, as described by Paul? How does this apply to your closest relationships (spouse, parents, friends)? How does it apply to acquaintances, such as coworkers or serving team / Life Group members? Read Ephesians 4:2 in another translation. What insights do you gain from different verbiage? 

5. Read 1 Corinthians 13:5-8. How does love react to the truth? What does it mean that love never ends? Why does our human love so often seem to end? Is it difficult for you to believe that love never ends?  

6. Action Step: Will you focus on the good qualities of your spouse, or the relationship you want to work on, for ten minutes every day this week? If you are married, will you commit to a prayer time with your spouse? Is there a commitment (like date night or laying down your phone when you get home) which you have made in the past but which you need to renew? Maybe it’s to be at work on time. Can you recommit to serving your boss or friend this way? Is there someone you need to forgive? If so, begin to talk to God about giving you His kind of love and mercy. If appropriate, go to them and offer forgiveness. 

7. Pray: Lord, please show me my areas of weakness. I admit to you that I am impatient and selfish in my relationships. I hold grudges and don’t readily offer forgiveness. Help me to be humble. Help me to love with a godly, sacrificial love. Help me not demand my own way, but support others and fight for Your truth and mercy. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.  


Read through the short book of Ruth this week. Although this is not a marriage relationship, it is often cited at weddings. Ruth made a life-changing, forever commitment to her mother-in-law Naomi. What can you learn about relationships from this example?  

9. Read Ruth 1:8-9: How did Naomi show love? What did Naomi suggest her daughters-in-law do? 

8. Read Ruth 1:11-14: What emotions was Naomi feeling? How do Orpah and Ruth respond? 

9. Read Ruth 1:15-18: How did Ruth respond to the challenges her mother-in-law faced? 

10. Read Ruth 3:9-12: When Ruth asks Boaz to redeem her, how does she act honorably? How does Boaz respond? How is he a precursor or “type” of Christ? 

11. Read Ruth 4:13-18: Who was born in Ruth’s family after Obed’s son Jesse? Why is the genealogy of David included?