Week Four – Trust Issues

Week Four – Trust Issues 

Discussion Guide  

Most of us love being in control. A great many of us also have trust issues. Choosing to trust God instead of handling things ourselves is one way we show that we really love and believe in God. Craig Groeschel writes, “We want God to prove Himself so we can trust Him. God wants us to trust Him so He can prove Himself.” 

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time. 

Jump Start 

1. What’s one of the most controlling things you do with people? What’s one of the most trusting things you ever do? 

2. Reveal. Read Luke 5:2-5. The disciples came to a time of decision. What was Peter’s first instinct in verse five? What did Jesus ask them to do? Have you ever had such a clear choice and decision about doing something God asked you to do? 

3. Release. Read Luke 5:5-6 and Proverbs 3:5-6. In the second half of verse five, what words jump out at you? What attitude do you imagine accompanied those words? How does the Proverbs passage teach you to respond? What are some specific ways your life might look different if you had given God your complete trust? 

4. Respond. Read Luke 5:8-11. What is Peter’s immediate physical response? What do his words indicate? Have you ever had an experience where you trusted God despite your fears or your “better judgment”—and something amazing happened? Share with your group.  

5. Start Praying: Do you want to trust God completely? Be bold and pray specifically.   

Lord Jesus, I don’t fully trust You with my ______, but I thank You for Your goodness, faithfulness, and love. Help me move from knowing about You to knowing You, and from believing in You to trusting in You fully. I am ready to RESPOND by giving You control in the _________ area of my life. In Jesus’ Name I pray. Amen.  

6. Commit: Do you want to have complete trust in God, even when you do not understand? Try these ideas: Write down some practical, everyday actions you identify as showing trust in God? Rate each of the following areas by how well you trust God with each: relationships, family, money, forgiveness, health, protection (use a 1 to 5 scale with 5 meaning “total trust”). Finally, trust that God will help and heal your lack of trust as you explore this devotion plan: Understanding God’s Purpose


In each of the passages below, miracles take place. In each case, answer these questions.  

Decide who asked the impossible: Was it God, His messenger, or someone who needed a miracle? 

Was there faith before action, or action before faith? Does that make a difference? 

7. 1 Kings 17:8-16: 

8. 2 Kings 4:1-7

9. John 6:5-14

10. Mark 9:17-25