REALationships -Real Legacy - Part 3

Discussion Guide

This weekend we talked about inviting the next generation along on our faith journey. This may be your own children, grandchildren, youth at The Cove, teammates at work, or anyone God places in your life. We are to make disciples and pass the baton. To teach the next generation how to carry on and leave a faith filled legacy.

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.

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1. Has there been someone in your life that invested in and modeled a life of faith for you?

2. Invite someone along. Read 2 Kings 2:8-12, Matthew 4:19. As Elijah invested in Elisha, can you identify someone to invite along and mentor? What did Jesus ask his disciples to do?

3. Let go of the reins. Read 2 Kings 2:12-14, Luke 9:1-2. Do you struggle to let go of the reins? How can we trust and encourage the next generation, and those we lead to continue Jesus’ actions?

4. Let them run. Read Matthew 28:18-20. How did Jesus let the disciples run? How can you feel a sense of accomplishment when watching rising leaders do great things?


5. Read Numbers 27:15-23. What did Moses ask of God? Who did God tell Moses to invest in?

6. Read Deuteronomy 31:7-8. How do we see Moses letting Joshua “run” as the next generation? How did Moses encourage him?