Part 2 – Discern the Voice of the Holy Spirit

Now that we know Who the Spirit is, how do we interact with Him? How do we sense His leading or redirection? Let’s discuss how we can distinguish His voice from our “gut feelings” and human desires.  

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time. 

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1. We have the choice to listen to the right voice. Tell of a time when you heard two voices, but you listened to the wrong advice. Keep it humorous (though it might not have been funny at the time)! 

2. The voice of the Holy Spirit convicts. Read John 16:7-9. What “job” of the Holy Spirit is found in this passage? What words would you use to describe conviction in your life? What feeling is not conviction? Read Romans 8:1. Have you felt or sensed this conviction in the last week? Month?   

3. The voice of the Holy Spirit redirects. After conviction, what should be the next action? Do you typically assume you are right? That you can “find your own way”? That you know best? Or are you good at listening to the advice (even constructive criticism) of others? How about listening to the Spirit: do you ignore or listen for His direction? Read Galatians 5:16-17. Do you recognize these two forces? Are you maturing and improving in your ability to let the Spirit guide you? Share an example.  

4.  Read Galatians 5:22-23. This fruit is evidence and proof of your redirection. Why is it important that it is singular fruit, not “fruits”? Do you tend to pick a flavor and stick to that characteristic? Do you struggle with one? Overall, are you growing in evidence that you are growing more like Jesus? Are you willing to pray and ask God, “What fruit of the Spirit am I missing and are You convicting me of lacking? I am not going to justify this any longer.” 

5. The voice of the Holy Spirit brings clarity and clarity brings freedom. Read John 16:13 and 2 Corinthians 3:17. How does having truth and clarity about the future benefit you? What voices must you deny and ignore to hear God’s voice? What are the benefits of choosing to believe what the Spirit says? 


We can individually hear and know the Spirit in this age of the New Covenant, after Jesus ascended. To realize what a privilege this is, we need to remember that before Jesus returned and the Spirit was poured out, God only placed His Spirit on one leader at a time, to guide or rescue the nation of Israel. Let’s look at the roles of the Spirit and celebrate that He performs all these functions in our lives today. 

6. Genesis 1:1-2, Psalm 140:30, Job 33:4: 

7. Isaiah 59:21, 2 Samuel 23:2, Nehemiah 9:20, 30, Psalm 143:10

8. Genesis 6:3, Psalm 51:11, 139:7, Micah 3:8: 

9. Zechariah 4:6, Exodus 31:1-5, Judges 14:5-6; 15:14: 

10. Numbers 27:18-20, Judges 3:9-10: