Discussion Guide
This weekend we explored the name Jehovah Jireh. Another name of God reminding us that he will provide for us. The story of Abraham and Isaac shows us a humbling experience of God providing for His people. We hope to encourage you this Christmas season as we discover the mighty names of our God. Each one will reveal a different aspect of His character and love for us.
What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.
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1. Share something silly that you held onto for way too long—like an old T-shirt or pants, stuffed animal or an old gadget. Why was it so hard to let go?
2. Read Genesis 22:4-6. Why does God ask us to let go of things at times? What was Abraham's response to God’s request? Why would this have been so hard for Abraham? Abraham saw the place “on the third day.” What does this detail suggest about the time he had to process what God asked of him?
Notes: This was about Abraham trusting God with the very thing he treasured so much. God had given him this child and was now asking him to let go to see where Abraham's heart really was.
3. Read Genesis 22:7-10. Is there something you’re struggling to let go of and have faith in God’s provision? How did Abraham show his complete trust in God in this scripture? How does his trust challenge or encourage you in your own faith journey?
Notes: Many times, we may feel “in over our head” or at our breaking point. Surely Abraham had these thoughts, but he walked forward in faith and trusted that God had a plan.
4. Read Genesis 22:11-14, Hebrews 11:17-19. How did God specifically provide for Abraham and Isaac? How has God showed himself as Jehovah Jireh (provider) in your past? Are there provisions in your life that you are putting before the provider?
Notes: Here we see God showed up in a miraculous way. Abraham truly had faith that God had a plan for this situation, even though he could not see the solution. He just kept moving forward in faith in His God. God always provides for those that trust Him, even if it isn’t the way we think he should.
Action Step: This week, we were challenged to write down the blessings in our lives and take time to ask God: Are we honoring Him with these blessings? Are you keeping Him in front of those blessings? Are you trusting the provider over the provision? God cares about your situation, and he is your Jehovah Jireh.