Movies at the Cove - Week 3

Discussion Guide 

Life can hit us out of nowhere and our world can be flipped upside down in an instant. We live in a broken world, where good and bad seasons come in our life. Sometimes in the bad seasons we can lose hope. This weekend we discovered where to find real hope despite our circumstances.  

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.  

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1. Check out these videos by clicking on the links below for something fun with your group and to learn more about this amazing world God created: 

2. Would you rather spend 2 days in isolation or 2 days with a team? Which one would be rejuvenating for you?   

3. Read Ecclesiastes 3:1-4, John 16:33. In what ways did this movie speak to you? What are some of the doubts you have when the difficult seasons come? What are some things that help remind you that Jesus is our only real hope?  

4. Read 2 Corinthians 4:16-17, Philippians 1:6. Share some ways that God has used your pain, suffering, and experiences for a purpose? How does changing your perspective help you move forward? 

Action Step: We have one more week of Movies at The Cove. What a privilege and opportunity to invite others to join us. As you will see we do not have a “deeper section” during this time. We can go deeper and grow in our faith by going out, praying for the right opportunities, sharing our story, and sharing the Good News. Hand out an invite and just say, “come and see” and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. This could change their lives forever.