Magnify Week 3

Discussion Guide 

As we finish up our series on Magnify, we want to challenge, encourage and show you how to manage your finances God’s way. The Scriptures have a lot to say about managing our finances. Probably the most consistent theme on money is handling it with wisdom. We pray as you have heard this series that you would seek God, magnify His name, and use wisdom in all your ways.  

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.  

Jump Start  

1. Why is money such a touchy topic? How can we use wisdom to discuss money without arguing?  

2. Read Malachi 3:8-10: How were the Israelites robbing God? What is the meaning of the word “tithe,” and what significance did it hold for the Israelites?  Why does God allow us to test Him in this area? What does this reveal about God’s character?  

3. Read Matthew 5:21-28. What did Jesus have to say about Old Testament laws and what they show about our hearts? How can we live out these principles in our daily lives differently?  

4. Read Matthew 22:37-40, Luke 21:1-4. How does living this verse out in our finances show what is in our hearts? What was the difference between the pharisee heart and the poor widow heart?  

5. Read Matthew 25:34-45. How does this verse give signs of what’s on the inside and indicate if we truly know Christ as our Savior?  

Action Steps: How is your life and actions reflecting your relationship with Christ?