Lamb - Origins of Sin - Week 1

Discussion Guide 

This week, we’re kicking off a new series leading up to Easter. Have you ever noticed how our first instinct is often to shift the blame? It’s nothing new—this pattern goes all the way back to Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden. Their choices brought consequences and the need for a sacrifice. Let’s look at how sin, blame, and sacrifice all play a role in God’s plan.   

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.  

Jump Start  

1. If you could eat one food guilt-free (no consequences, no calories, no allergies, no price tag), what would it be? Share a time you got caught doing something wrong as a kid? Did you blame someone else, make an excuse, or just own up to it?  

2. Read Genesis 2:15-17, 3:6, 8-11. What clear command did God give to Adam? What were the consequences of their disobedience? How did Adam and Eve respond and what does this reveal about the effects of sin and our relationship with God?  

3. Read James 1:14-15, 1 Corinthians 10:13. What does James teach us about our personal responsibility for sin? How will God help you when you are tempted?  

4. Read Genesis 3:12-13, 3:22-23. In verses 12-13 how did they try to shift the blame? How do we do the same thing in our own lives when we sin?  In verses 22-23, Adam and Eve were separated from God’s presence. How does this separation from God play out in our lives today?  

5. Read Romans 8:19-22, Genesis 3:21. According to Romans 8 how did sin affect all of creation? What does this tell us about the far-reaching consequences of sin? What does the garments of skin imply about how their sin was covered? Why do you think God required the shedding of blood to cover sin? How does this point to Jesus and His ultimate sacrifice for sin?  

Action Steps: As you spend time with God this week, stop hiding, ask Him to open your eyes to any sin in your lives, don’t make excuses, or blame anyone. Take ownership. Realize that our sin hurts God and that He provides a way of escape.