Invest In Others

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.

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1. Tell us who has invested in you and made a lasting impression. Is there someone who tried to mentor you, but you just didn’t “get it” at the time?

2. Read Philippians 4:9, 1 Corinthians 11:1, and Philippians 3:17. What is your initial impression of these verses? How would you feel saying some of these phrases to your child, your co-worker, or another adult in your life? Are there some areas where you are currently mentoring others? 

3. Read Colossians 4:5-6. List the things that we are told to do, say, or how to behave in this verse. Share one situation where you have (or could) apply this verse. Possibly share the most difficult aspect of this verse for you.

4. Final Thought: Be willing to “empty your cup.” Make a list of “things” in your cup: wisdom, skills, talents, or experiences you could share. Pray and ask God for opportunities to invest in others. If you are willing to pray that prayer this week, let someone in your Life Group know so that they can pray with you. (If you need a little push, remember Matthew 25:26-27.)

There are so many examples of Bible heroes and personages who poured into others. Let’s look at a few. In each case, note how the person invested in another. Note also the result.

5. Phillip and the Ethiopian official: Read Acts 8:26-40

6. Moses and Joshua: Read Exodus 24:13, 33:11, Numbers 13:16, 27:18-20, 22-23, Deuteronomy 31:7, 14, 34:9

7. Elijah and Elisha: Read 1 Kings 19:13-16, 19-21, 2 Kings 2:1-16.

8. Paul and Silas: Read Acts 15:22, 25-27, 32-40, 16:25-34, 17:13-15.

9. Mordecai and Esther: Read Esther 2:5-11, 16-18, 21-23, 4:1, 4-17.

10. Elizabeth and Mary: Read Luke 1:5-7, 11-17, 24-28, 30-31, 38-45.