Believe God for a Miracle

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.

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1. Share even a tiny miracle you have experienced. 

2. Read Matthew 14:12-13, Mark 6:31-33, and Luke 9:10-11. As you read the events that happened just before the "Feeding of the Five Thousand," there are very slight differences and some obvious consistencies. Discuss them. Have you ever, like Jesus, needed to get away with God in a desolate place? Have you ever, like the crowds, been desperate, looking for a miracle? 

3. Read Mark 6:35-37. The disciples' first response was to send the crowd away and avoid dealing with the hurting people. Jesus had the opposite response. Which is your MO? What is Jesus asking them (and us) to do in verse 37? Why is John's side note in John 6:6 important? How does that encourage you? 

4. Read Mark 6:38 and Matthew 14:18. What is it you do have? How does it relate to your emergency, or to someone else's need?

5. Final Thought: God want to give direction in every area of our lives. Read Mark 6:39-40. If you have a need or area of chaos, have you sensed a next step, do so and ask your Life Group to pray with you about this. Bring what you have, do what you're urged to do, and do it in community. 


6. The Feeding of the Five Thousand is the only miracle, except for the Resurrection, that is recorded in all four Gospels. This week, take time to look at this obviously important and well-documented miracle for principles God wants to show you, and which are specific to your situation. Write down what God is showing you. Read Matthew 14:6-21; Mark 6:21-44; Luke 9:1-17; John 6:1-14. 

7. Talk to God. Be authentic and real about your need. Be clear about accepting your responsibility, but in faith, offer Him what you have, and declare the miracle you need from God, trusting Him to meet you in this desolate place. Share with one trusted person and take the steps God has given you.