Kimberly Lawrence 

Today's Scripture: “Before daybreak the next morning, Jesus got up and went out to an isolated place to pray.” Mark 1:35, NLT   

Theme: Prepare for “pivotal moments” as Jesus did by spending focused time in prayer.  


Sully is difficult for me to watch. Nine years ago, my family and I experienced an emergency landing on a flight back from Alaska. The plane’s engine caught fire over the ocean, rendering it useless and, within minutes, the crew went into full emergency mode. It seemed like our giant, heavy plane was just lumbering through the sky. I’ll never forget the flood of thoughts that rolled through my mind as I heard the pilot contact the nearest tower, confirming the number of souls on board our plane. It was not only the most afraid I’ve ever been; it was also the most helpless I’ve ever felt.  

Before that night, I can’t count the number of times I had flown or how many of the instructions I had half-heartedly listened to from flight attendants about emergency evacuation. Maybe I would take out my ear buds and make occasional eye contact as they strolled down the aisle with their sample seat belt clips, oxygen masks, and floatation devices--just because it seemed polite. But did I really listen? Did I have any expectation I’d need to apply that knowledge? Not really.  

In the moments following the announcement that we’d need to make an emergency landing at the closest airport, I desperately searched to recall the information about exits, water landings, and where the emergency supplies were. How I wished I’d prepared by paying closer attention before then! Thankfully, our pilots and the crew HAD been prepared for such a day because, with precise execution after years of training, they were able to bring us down safely with one of the smoothest landings I’ve experienced to this day.  


Jesus Himself prepared through prayer. We see examples throughout His ministry, as He took time for focused prayer, sometimes in isolation and other times with His disciples. He prayed alone in the desert for 40 days. He prayed before choosing His disciples. He withdrew to pray by Himself after feeding the 5,000. He prayed in the Garden of Gethsemane ahead of His arrest and crucifixion. Jesus prepared by praying, and so should we.  

Make It Personal: Prioritizing our study of Scripture and dedicating time to pray helps us prepare for the experiences of this life. While Captain Sullenberger may never have imagined the exact situation he would face, landing in the Hudson River, his rigorous training and advance study allowed him to be decisive in the moment, saving 155 lives. Consider how you can create a disciplined approach to your study and prayer habits. Be deliberate about prioritizing this time to start each day. Ask God to prepare you for how you’ll handle the events that will unfold during this quiet time.  

Pray: Father, thank You for the example You provided for the prioritization of prayer through Jesus’ ministry. Give me the discipline to come to You first, before I do anything else. Help me to not be hasty with this time but to come expectantly into Your presence. Thank You for your grace, mercy, and unending love as I continue to learn to love You better. Amen. 

Read: Matthew 14:13, 23, 26:36-39; Luke 6:12-13 

Weekly Memory Verse: “But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.” Luke 5:16, NLT