Carey Madding

Today's Scripture: “Therefore it says, ‘God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble.’” James 4:6b, ESV

Theme: Desire for control can stem from sinful pride; choose to become humble, let go, and receive grace.


Never have I been called a “mean girl,” but I’ve been called a “rules girl” many times. As my son-in-law likes to point out, I follow the rules that I like. I disregard rules I find stupid. So that shows you my real problem: I want to be my own boss. Well, really, I’ve been called “bossy” many times, so it's obvious I want to be the boss of you, too. I think I’m right; my way is best; just let me lead.


We may think it’s a bit funny, or even a necessary part of being a success in this world, but God is not amused. Satan was cast out of heaven because of his pride. There is a Proverbs passage that is shocking to me: “There are six things that the Lord hates, seven that are an abomination to him:” and number one on His list? “Haughty eyes” (Proverbs 6:16-17a, ESV). The King James Version translates it as “a proud look.” I am certain that I have exhibited haughty eyes and/or a proud look when being challenged by customer service personnel or disrespected by rowdy kids. I have “bowed up” or “stiffened my neck” at supervisors. I have acted superior towards people I managed. Though I have gotten better at managing these behaviors and reactions, that root of pride and the desire for control remains strong within me.


Hebrews 12:1 speaks of getting free from the sins which are particular to us, the ones that wrap themselves around our feet and trip us up, the ones that cling to us. You know what I mean: the sins that we struggle with repeatedly. To follow God closely and live in right relationship with Him, we must “lay aside every weight, and sin which clings so closely, and let us run with endurance the race that is set before us” (Hebrews 12:1b, ESV). That is on us. We must choose to give up that sin.

In my case, that means choosing to admit my pride and humble myself before Almighty God. It means humbling myself before others and serving them. It means that even in my mind, I give up the stance of “I am right, even if I must do as you say.”

When I do that, there is a promise. If I prostrate myself, my wants, and my control and offer it all to God, He will lift me up. He will restore my joy and show me His love. I may not get my way, but I will have Him.

Make It Personal: Does pride play into your desire for control like it does for me? How can you change both prideful actions and thoughts? Choose to give up even the private thought that “I am right, even if I must do as you say.”

Pray: Father, thank You for Your patience with me as I learn to release my pride, again. Please help me to allow Your Holy Spirit to change even my thoughts to align with Your purposes. I know I can’t control everything. I don’t even want to anymore and yet I keep acting like I do. You gently remind me to become humble and I’m so thankful.

Read: James 4:6-10; Hebrews12:1-4; Proverbs 6:16-19

Weekly Memory Verse: “The horse is made ready for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the Lord.” Proverbs 21:31, ESV