Wednesday - GOD WITH US


Kimberly Lawrence

Today's Scripture: “But when the Helper comes, whom I will send to you from the Father, the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness about me.... But I have said these things to you, that when their hour comes you may remember that I told them to you.” John 15:26, 16:4, ESV

Theme: Draw strength from the Holy Spirit, knowing Jesus has walked where you are walking, and God the Father will give you strength to walk the difficult roads.


A few years back, I was on an airplane by myself. When I took my seat, I noticed a family across the aisle from me. Mom and dad were managing a few children, stair-stepped in ages from baby to about middle school. I estimated the oldest daughter to be about 10 years old and she was adamant she was “big enough” to sit in the row in front of mom so that the younger kids could sit with the parents. All went well during the first part of the flight. The child seated alone seemed very confident and empowered in her solo seating arrangement. She kept busy with her headphones, iPad, and snacks, almost pretending the parents weren’t even there. As is typical when the plane makes its way through the clouds, we began to experience turbulence. In that moment, I saw the daughter’s eyes become wide and the panic set in. She called for her mom who calmly reached to the seat in front of her and held her daughter’s hand. Mom did not overreact, she simply and softly repeated, “I’m right here. I’m right here.” The simple reminder of her mother’s presence was enough to calm her.


Have you ever been in a season of life where you felt alone or that nobody could understand the weight you’re carrying? I often think of that little girl on the plane. Her mother was right there, the entire time. Even when the girl’s back was to her and she “forgot” she was there…still, there she was. I often get caught up in life, trying to solve my own problems. Even when I have turned from God, He never stayed back where I left Him. He remained right there with me…in me. It was me who failed to see Him.


While Jesus walked among us, He experienced and overcame trials of this world. His personal resolve was tested. His ministry was mocked. He lost friends. He was humiliated, beaten, then killed. During the hardship, God never abandoned His Son and He won’t abandon us. Jesus was sent for you and for me. And when He returned to heaven, He sent us the Holy Spirit, the Helper and Comforter we so desperately need to live life, in all its hardships. The Spirit helps us live for God, face our fears, share the Gospel, and hear God’s voice in our hearts.

At one point, Jesus was telling His disciples they would all desert Him, yet He will not be alone, for the Father is with Him. God was always with Him as He will be with us. Jesus goes on to tell them, “In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world” (John 15:33b, NIV) Do you believe the Bible? Better yet…do you believe God? If so, claim John 16:3 with confidence! Whatever season you are going into, in the middle of, or coming out of, He has already overcome it! Praise God!

Make it personal: Call on the Holy Spirit today to bring you strength. You may have your back turned to God and “forgotten” He was there but, fear not, He has never moved. Sometimes I need to envision Him holding my hand and softly whispering, “I’m right here.” Remember, above every choice, struggle, mistake and hardship, you are a child of God.

Pray: God, though I sometimes feel alone, I know that I am not. Help me to see You clearly, even in times of want, fear, or failure. You are the source of my strength, not my own hands. I pray You will uphold and comfort me in my weakness. Deliver me from my adversities. Amen.

Read: John 16:32-33; Psalm 71:19-24; Deuteronomy 31:8

Weekly Memory Verse: “The fear of man lays a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord is safe.” Proverbs 29:25, ESV