Jenna Worsham 

Today’s Scripture: “Though he slay me, I will hope in him; yet I will argue my ways to his face.” Job 13:15, ESV 

Theme: Never lose your hope in God. You can argue with Him but keep turning towards God. 


Do you know the origin of the idiom, “hold someone’s feet to the fire?” Literally, this medieval practice, used to extract a confession during the Inquisition, was forcing someone to walk over hot coals or holding their feet to fire. Joan of Arc was 19 when she was captured on May 23rd, sentenced to death on May 24th, and burned at the stake May 30th. Even when her feet were literally on fire, Joan did not renounce her faith in God. She is considered a saint, canonized by the Roman Catholic faith, and a French hero: she turned the tide of the hundred year’s war. She reminds me of Jesus’ words: “Don’t be afraid of those who want to kill your body; they cannot touch your soul. Fear only God, who can destroy both soul and body in hell” Matthew 10:28, NLT.  

There are many examples in scripture, like Daniel’s friends, who went willingly to a fiery furnace. Like David, who went to meet an enemy giant. Like Daniel, who submitted to a sleepover with some hungry lions. And like me, in whatever terrible outcome, diagnosis, death, suffering, or tragedy is before me today. “Though he slay me, I will hope in Him” (Job 13:15a, ESV). 


It isn’t your life, your child’s life, or your ability to cope at stake. Up for grabs in the epic battle of good versus evil is your faith and your hope in God, more than any other thing. All of my battles are lost if I lose my trust in Him. It doesn’t sit well, does it? Yep, agree. When I feel I must go talk to someone about that, God gently, in all power and all authority, invites us back to Himself. Let’s go. 


Very convincing, logical, great at debate – all have been compliments (or complaints) I have received from those who know me best. “You should have been a lawyer!” says it all, but and I don’t think it is meant as a compliment. However, it is comforting to know that when I bring my arguments to God, He is ready to receive me. I understand this because I’m raising a couple of middle schoolers who occasionally need to hash out hard things – aloud (very loud) -- to someone. Every time my kids are in pain, even if they are yelling, I want to receive them. I would rather listen and help, hug them, not avoid or push away. Even if all they bring are arguments and complaints, I invite them to come to me.  

Make It Personal: God loves us more than we love our own kids. Don’t you think He can handle our frustration when we are in pain? In what way are you frustrated, feeling abandoned or left by God? Tell Him about it. Argue your case. Then surrender the outcome. EVEN IF He allows you to burn – commit to continue to hope in Him. 

Pray: Lord, many times I come to you to fix things and change outcomes. Today, I’m asking for the strength to draw close to You, no matter how my problems resolve or blow up. You are here through my quiet, peaceful days; and You are here in fire and pain. Thank You for being available for my questions, arguments, and fears - not only my praises. Amen. 

Read: Matthew 10:26-31; Psalm 37:17-19 

Weekly Memory Verse:  

“I had only heard about you before,

    but now I have seen you with my own eyes. 

I take back everything I said, 

    and I sit in dust and ashes to show my repentance.” Job 42:5-6, NLT