Carey Madding 

Today's Scripture: “Confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The earnest prayer of a righteous person has great power and produces wonderful results.” James 5:16, NLT 

Theme: Rather than condoning sins, confess them; rather than condemn each other, pray for each other. 


Isn’t it funny that our verse tells us to “confess your sins to each other”? I find that it is much, much easier to confess someone else’s sins and discuss them at length than to evaluate, repent of, and confess my own sins.  

As an example, I have a friend on a strict elimination diet. At the same time, I am trying to make healthier choices than my recent excesses while on a trip. It is so easy to comment on my friend’s missteps from the required abstinences than it is to see my bad choices or over-indulgences. As always, it is easier to judge others than it is to judge myself. 


My indiscretions, over-indulgences (in diet, spending, talking) or sins such as anger or impatience seem so very small to me. My bossy, self-righteous attitude and hypocrisy seem to be part of the personality that God gave me. However, this is egotistical, blind thinking. God’s plan for me is the Fruit of the Spirit: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Oh my! Self-control! Patience! Kindness! These do not line up with my character flaws. To change and be transformed into the person God intended me to be, I must recognize that the bossy, angry, gossipy part of me must be overcome, put to death daily. I must see it as sin and repent, not embrace these tendencies. 


Additionally, confessing my struggles and my desire to live rightly to a trusted, believing friend helps tremendously! Just telling another person your hopes, plans, and struggles lifts some of the burden. Think of it as if you admit that you have joined a gym, are abstaining from alcohol, or need accountability with some other issue. The fact that you have shared your plans and desires gives them a sense of reality. When you add the spiritual element of asking for prayer and making known your godly sorrow and repentance, there is a new strength as you gain support from the ongoing prayers of another. I find in my life group that the prayers for courage, patience, self-discipline, along with those for healing, are effective, energizing, and encouraging. They DO have great power and produce wonderful results! 

Make It Personal: Be willing to pray the “Search Me O God” prayer of Psalm 139. God already knows your inmost thoughts. I find my attitudes, more than my actions, need His review and evaluation. Be willing to let the Lord sift through your heart and convict you of sin. Be humble and ready to hear and repent. Pray and ask if you should take the next step, confessing to a trusted, believing friend and asking for prayer. God loves a humble, contrite spirit and He will empower you to change.  

Pray: Lord, I submit to You. I offer my life for Your evaluation. May my actions, and most especially my attitudes, be pleasing to You. Correct me when I am missing the mark. Give me the grace and humility to repent and confess to others when I have hurt them or when I need their support and encouragement. Thank You for Your convicting and empowering Spirit. In Your Name I pray. Amen. 

Read: Psalm 139; James 4:6-10 

Weekly Memory Verse: “I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one.” John17:15, ESV