Carey Madding 

Today's Scripture: “‘If the world hates you, remember that it hated me first.’” John 15:18, NLT 

Theme: When you know you’re focused on honoring God with your actions, you can bear up under harsh criticism in solidarity with Jesus. 


Every soldier knows “Sir, Yes, sir!” is the right answer! They all know the consequences of disobedience. Many a soldier, airman, or seaman has been court-martialed for disobeying a direct order. Yet, troops can also be held accountable in a court of law for obeying an unjust or evil order. Think of the My Lai Massacre in the Vietnam War. Though only the Lieutenant who ordered the attack was convicted, the world still holds the other 26 soldiers in contempt for not disobeying him, for not refusing to rape and murder the unarmed civilians. In such cases, basic humanity should dictate what or who to obey.  


In Sully this week, we hear that Captain “Sully” Sullenberger is told to circle back around to the airport after both his engines are disabled by bird strikes. He mentally calculates and decides this is not the best option. It’s not an immoral decision, but Sully takes the time he needs to decide what is the best option for him. He weighs his experience, the possible loss of life on his aircraft, and the loss of life if he crashes into New York City, a metropolis of almost eight million people. While some consider his actions heroic, we find that others chastised him for taking matters into his own hands. Let’s face it, they were also upset at the economic loss of an airplane.  


When I am looking to know what God would want me to do in a difficult situation, I have resources. I have the Holy Spirit, who prompts me to do God’s will. He usually does this by bringing to my mind another resource, the Word of God which I have hidden in my heart. Or I can turn to the Bible, the written Word, and look up passages and examples of how God has worked in the past or what He has said to believers before me. I can ask counsel from wise and godly believers. But sometimes, I am still stumped! 

For example, young David once took up a sling shot and defended himself and the armies of Israel against Goliath. At another time, he picked up the same, defeated giant’s weaponry and tried to defend himself, against God’s will. Sometimes I find I am to be silent and let criticism roll off me, like water off a duck’s back. I am not to justify, explain, or throw someone else under the bus, even if it was their fault. At other times, I am to kindly, gently explain my actions and the biblical basis for them. At times, I am to fight the good fight. 


In all circumstances, I am to humbly endure without retaliation or anger, especially when I am mocked or criticized for the sake of Christ. Jesus Himself promised that if He was persecuted and ridiculed, we will be also. But He also comforts and reassures us: “When they deliver you over, do not be anxious how you are to speak or what you are to say, for what you are to say will be given to you in that hour” (Matthew 10:19, ESV). When you are acting as you feel God has directed you or when you are facing criticism for those actions, be comforted that God is still pleased. He will bring this hardship to a conclusion that honors Him and works for your good. When you feel all alone, deserted by friends and family, or misjudged for His Name’s sake, remember this passage: “And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name's sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life” (Matthew 19:29, ESV). 

Make It Personal: Where do you feel you are honestly “fighting” for God, not your own rights or decisions? Where do you sense Him telling you to be silent and let Him defend you? Do you know He promises to be your front and rear guard? He will fight for you, when you follow and rest in Him.  

Pray: Lord God, You alone know what I am facing. Even my dearest friends and family cannot guide me as You can. Help me know when to speak and what to say; when to remain silent; when to stand up for truth; and when to bear ridicule and disrespect with humility, as You did. Thank You that You have experienced all this and so much more, so You know the hurt, and the need I feel to defend myself. I want to remain Your servant, acting only as You would have me act. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen. 

Read: Matthew 10:16-25; Exodus 14:13-14; Jeremiah 15:20; Isaiah 52:12 

Weekly Memory Verse: “But Jesus often withdrew to the wilderness for prayer.” Luke 5:16, NLT