Bernadette Keene
Today’s Scripture: “Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness but instead expose them.” Ephesians 5:11, ESV
Theme: Standing firm against sin means refusing to turn the other way or participate in dark or evil systems, organizations, or conversations.
There have been times in my life that the desire to be liked has superseded shining light on wrongdoings. Being a beacon of light in a dark space can be challenging because the way people view you when you stand up for what is right will change. The fuse that ignites in the mind when we are faced with taking a stand burns so hot that we can easily become perplexed and end up choosing the uncomplicated way out and join the clique. Today’s Scripture says to “take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness but instead expose them.” So, what do we do when faced with the unfruitful works of darkness? The Scripture is clear- take no part!
There are times when we can make choices that prevent us from being caught up in darkness by avoiding it. For example, we can choose to avoid places where we know there are immoral acts taking place. Idolatry, drunkenness, dishonesty, hatred, self-ambition, and denial of God are all things that we can make a choice to avoid.
There will be times that we walk into darkness unknowingly. Take a moment to reflect on Ephesians 5:11 and mediate on what it requires of us as Christ followers. It requires us to light up and expose darkness. This Scripture implies that there will be times when God will use us to light up dark places. As Jesus followers, we are commissioned to reflect His light into the darkness of the world. Matthew 28:16-20 instructs us to share the Gospel to all, and when we lovingly take a stand, we expose darkness and people are exposed to the True Light of the World: Jesus.
Make It Personal: When we walk into a room of colleagues at work, and they are saying hurtful things about other people, what do we do? When someone confides in us, sharing their struggles and venting, do we take that information and vent to others? When we see a friend caught up in a tough situation, making dangerous choices, what do we say? I encourage you to be light in those moments. It may not make you popular, but it will allow the light of Christ to soften hearts and lead people to Jesus.
Pray: Jesus, You are the light that shines in the dark places. Help me to be bold and not turn away from Your commission to bring truth and light into situations where people need to see You, even if it makes me unpopular. Amen.
Read: Psalm 18:28, Matthew 5:15
Weekly Memory Verse: “I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one.” John17:15, ESV