Erin Kranz  

Today's Scripture: “Whoever claims to live in him must live as Jesus did.” I John 2:6, NIV  

Theme: Jesus exited both heaven and the building to be the example of being about His Father’s business.  


Our verse for the day gives us a pretty hefty calling to “live as Jesus did.” It may sound simple, but many of us know the difficulty of putting this into practice. Jesus’s time on Earth shows us the ultimate example of selflessness, love, grace, service, and sacrifice. He preached the Good News, showed mercy to sinners, healed the sick, fed the poor, and ultimately died on the cross so we would no longer be lost. But this all started with the profound decision to leave heaven – to “exit the building” – so that He could come and serve us.  


I had the opportunity to visit our South Africa campus for the first time a few months ago. Our team there is literally stepping out into their community daily to provide for the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of the people and children around them. Our staff are visiting children in their homes, offering tutoring and help with schoolwork, providing meals, teaching them the Gospel, and so much more. If there were ever an example of living like Jesus, I know I got to witness it there.  

You don’t have to go on a mission trip across the world to live like Jesus did. Yes, sometimes that is what He calls us to, but we also have the responsibility to serve our own community. Jesus’ words before ascending to heaven, recorded in Acts, were: “’But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit has come upon you, and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the end of the earth,’” (Acts 1:8, ESV). Each location in His words drew the circle bigger and bigger. Start by taking a step out, exiting the building, and let’s begin loving and serving the way Jesus did together. 

Make It Personal: Could there be a specific thing that God has been telling you to step out and do? Recognize and repent for whatever has been holding you back, whether it be fear, pride, selfishness, or something else. God wants to do big things in this world, and He wants to use YOU! 

Pray: Father, thank you for sending us Jesus and for providing us with the perfect example of love in action. Help me to follow Your example and to step outside to tangibly love and serve the people around me. Forgive me for the times I’ve chosen my comfort instead and give me boldness to follow You. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Read: I John 2:3-11, Matthew 9:35-36 

Weekly Memory Verse: “Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him.” Proverbs 14:31, ESV