J.D. Ketterman 

Today’s Scripture: “And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts” Acts 2:46 (ESV) 

Theme: Living in unity, celebrating communion, worshiping together, and learning together - doing life together - allows us to experience gratitude and contentment.  


The first believers did not immediately go out and build great cathedrals in which to worship. They continued to go to synagogue and temple. They then gathered in the courtyards there and in private homes to study, share, learn, and live the messages of Christ. They did not reject the Jewish religion, but believed the Messiah had come, was crucified, had risen, and was still among them. For this they were eventually segregated. Then, in their commitment to their beliefs, they had to find other ways to meet. Now look at how we have grown.  


When I first attended The Cove, the pastors made it clear that the church was not the building. The church is its gathered members. Yes, we worship in a large building with hundreds of others. When friends say, “Oh, you go to a ‘mega-church,’” I let them know it sure does not feel that way. Because I serve on the parking team and attend a Life Group, I feel I am among friends, fellow believers in Christ. I have no fear of being unwelcome or rejected, nor any anxiety of greeting or conversing with anyone there. However, the weekend service does not allow for as intimate and fulfilling conversations as I find with my Life Group.  


In Life Groups, we discuss more in-depth what it means to be a Christian. We study the sermons, go through entire chapters of the Bible, and read books by learned authors on walking closer with God. We share prayer requests and praises for whatever is affecting our lives and those who are close to us. It is a more intimate, safe group where we can open up about our weaknesses, pains, and take joy in sharing our achievements. We bond in knowing the answers are in the teachings of Jesus Christ. We encourage one another to keep Him in our hearts. We also, on occasion, share meals…break bread together. They are my family.  


Comradery like that reminds me of my time in the service where we had chaplains. They were from all branches of Christianity, plus Jewish Rabbis, Muslem Imams, and all other religions. When the ‘Holy Helo’ arrived, many attended all services, including myself. (Some only went to postpone more laborious duties.) If there was no chaplain, we (Christian servicemen) also gathered routinely to study the Word together. Then, there was more to it than avoiding polishing decks and brass. It was nourishment to our souls. 

Make It Personal: If you are not in a Life Group, you can find your group here. Look for a group that suits your needs and schedule, sign up, and commit to show up at least once. I suggest you commit for six weeks to give it a real try. No two are alike, but all understand if you only attend for a week or two and then look for a group which is a better fit. Believe me, a Life Group will really change your life and Christian walk. 

Pray: Lord, help me find ways to grow closer to You and in understanding Your teachings. Give me the courage to seek out those that can walk with me on Your path so that we can guide and strengthen each other. May by gathering with each other we be gathered closer to You. I am grateful that the light of Your teachings glows brightest when we are as one in Your Name. I pray that Your Light grows brighter in me. In Jesus’ Name, amen.  

Read: Matthew 18:20; Acts 2:42-47; Hebrews 10:24-25; Ephesians 4:2-6; Acts 9:31  

Weekly Memory Verse: “...complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” Philippians 2:2 (ESV)