Jenna Worsham 

Today’s Scripture: “Dear children, let us not love with words or tongue but with actions and in truth.” I John 3:18, NIV 

Theme: It is good to talk about how to love people; however, it is better to take action to show our love for people hurting and needy. 


Some of us love words. I can write a long card, no problem. My husband loves words of affirmation so, as long as I’m not mad at him, it works out for both of us. All kidding aside, writing or speaking beautiful words definitely has value, but without any action to back up those words, they don’t mean much. Consider an area you’d like to improve – maybe it is physical fitness! It’s that time of year. Who would you rather listen to on that topic – a friend who works out daily and is happy to work out with you or one who watched a bunch of YouTube videos about exercise and wants to tell you about it over lunch? Our Pastors have been telling us about loving people. They are good at talking and love words just like I do. However, they are also going to show you by taking action in our community with you. 


Over the years at The Cove Church, we have heard many messages preached on loving our neighbors. Hearing those stories from the stage is valuable. Recounting our own memories of times we or those closest to us have shown their love with action is valuable. It is valuable because talking about what to do is a great start towards motivating ourselves to take action. The time has come to live out our love for our neighbors with tangible actions. While we will have many opportunities to do that together, church serving activities aren’t the only way to show our love for our neighbors. The planned activities are much like the invitation of a friend who is an expert in the gym inviting you for a sweat session. The folks at our serve events have been doing the work for a long time and are willing to coach and serve alongside you. Maybe you’re an expert? Great, come serve with us and encourage those of us taking the step to love our neighbors by taking action for the first time.  

Make It Personal: Take action today by signing up to serve with us during the All-Out series and keep serving throughout the year! 

Pray: Dear God, Thank You for loving us not just by telling us that You do, but by serving, living, and dying with us. Thank You for Your promise to return for us and to supply us bountifully with everything we need. Does that include energy and time in my schedule? Sometimes I feel like I’m in short supply of those. Please help me to see the places I can adjust and the things I’m doing that You haven’t assigned. I know I’m called to love my neighbor. Help me to do that. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Read: 1 John 3:16-24 

Weekly Memory Verse: “Whoever oppresses a poor man insults his Maker, but he who is generous to the needy honors him.” Proverbs 14:31, ESV