Jenna Worsham 

Today’s Scripture: “Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit.” Philippians 4:17, ESV 

Theme: Keep giving because generosity grows character. 


Making a habit of giving helps. I didn’t know how to pick up the tab gracefully...until I did it a few times. There are many excuses. I felt awkward. I didn’t want to make a scene. Yet, paying for lunch or coffee gets easier after you do it many times. It is easier if you decide ahead of time to be generous. It’s easier when you live simply and have margin in your budget set aside to bless others. Once I practiced paying and kept on doing it, it became easier.  

Some people are naturals at this; others need to practice giving. I needed to practice and see others giving generously. I need practice to become good at tithing, giving away clothes, cars, or loaning out my things to those who need them. In order to practice, I give before I feel generous. 


Sometimes I feel hesitant to receive. I don’t need stuff. God supplies my needs. I give generously. It’s better to “give than receive,” right? Yet, receiving is not shameful. However, receiving without expressing appreciation (or worse, rejecting and responding in disdain) might be.  I need to remember that generosity, especially when motivated by God, builds character. Paul didn’t necessarily need the Church to supply him with gifts, yet he received them gratefully (Philippians 4:17). I may not need what is given, but my response to the smallest offering reflects upon my character and heart. Consider Jesus’ response to the widow who gave the least money: He valued it above all the other contributions (Luke 21:2-3). 


We often want to judge what others do with our gifts. I sure do. The turkey should be made into stock. The leftovers can be turned into turkey nachos or sandwiches! The money can be stretched if used for groceries instead of takeout. But God doesn’t have to run His financial decisions through me. I can imagine reasons why He would bless a takeout meal or the purchase of the more expensive sneakers, but I don’t have to because I can think of every reason God doesn’t mind that I use my resources to purchase a premium item. So why do I limit the proper use of the resources I give but not hold myself to the same standard? I need to give without strings, if God tells me to give. I need to give without any expectations – if God approves my giving – and I need to trust Him with the proper use of the gift. I can trust Him. 


With every decision and action, we are building our lives. Doing what God instructs us to do builds on a firm foundation. We develop character, the Fruit of the Spirit, and endurance. Doing whatever we feel like, following the influence of the world or our own preferences, builds something, also. Left to our own worst instincts, we tear down our progress and build selfishness, bitterness, pride, greed, envy, anxiety, depression, hopelessness, and rebelliousness instead.  

Make It Personal: What are you building? How does the practice of giving without conditions and receiving with appreciation work for you? In what way can your giving (or receiving) build character?  

Pray: Lord, help me to practice generosity. Help me to hear and feel Your leading and give with a grateful heart before I even feel like giving. Teach me to be sacrificially generous as the Lord Jesus was generous. Thanks be to God for this indescribable Gift! Amen. 

Read: Proverbs 11:24- 25; Luke 21:2-3 

Weekly Memory Verse: “And let us not grow weary of doing good, for in due season we will reap, if we do not give up.” Galatians 6:9, ESV