Greg and Nanette Robinson  

Today’s Scripture: "So whoever knows the right thing to do and fails to do it, for him it is sin." James 4:17, ESV  

Theme: Standing firm against sin starts with being honest and authentic in my own life and choices.  


When Billy Graham was asked what his greatest surprise in life was, he wittingly answered, in that wonderful southern accent, “The brevity of it.” James, the brother of Jesus, describes our lives as a mist that appears for a while and then vanishes. As I (Greg) consider the brevity of life and where I’m investing my time, today’s verse gives me great pause. It inspires me to have an honest and authentic reflection of where I’m choosing to invest my time. Where have I let my concerns for retirement, entertainment, travel, hobbies, and other things take precedent over the opportunities that Jesus has placed before me? Foundational to our marriage, Nanette and I have always agreed that we want to serve the Lord together. We often pray that God will reveal opportunities and that we would have the courage, discernment, health, discipline, and resources to answer His calling. Together as husband and wife, we must stand firm against the temptation to let worldly pleasures interfere with God’s calling to serve.  


Every missed opportunity to serve the Lord is a missed blessing. Jesus gives us a powerful illustration of this in the parable known as “The Sheep and The Goats” (Matthew 25:31-46). In this parable, Jesus gives His followers, the sheep, their eternal blessings and inheritance. Surprised, His followers asked Him why they had found favor. Jesus answered, “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me, I was naked and you clothed me, I was sick and you visited me, I was in prison and you came to me.’ Then the righteous will answer him, saying, ‘Lord, when did we see you hungry and feed you, or thirsty and give you drink?’” (Matthew 25:35-37, version). This parable is somewhat of a wake-up call because, if I’m being honest and authentic with myself, there have been opportunities to serve the needs of others where I missed the mark. 


Sadly, the goats in this parable, those who failed to do the things that they knew were right and expected, they were guilty of the sin of omission, which is knowing what should be done and failing to do it. These folks who missed God’s blessings and were punished may not have been bad people, but they missed God’s calling on their lives and the richness of His blessings. There is no greater blessing than knowing you have served the Lord. Likewise, there is no greater disappointment than knowing you didn’t do what he called you to do.  

Make It Personal: As I said, serving the Lord together has been foundational to our marriage. Years ago, Nanette and I started an unofficial ministry that we refer to as “Wallet Ministries.” The idea is that whenever it’s time for us to buy a new wallet or purse, the old one is filled up with money, gift cards, our testimonies, and is given away to someone that God places in our path. Late one night on a mission trip in Uptown Charlotte, Nanette and her friends saw a woman through a plate glass window, mopping floors. The door was locked and no one else was around. The ladies knocked on the door and the woman opened it. They gave her a purse filled with all kinds of things, and then they prayed with her. I was watching from a distance and to this day I’m touched as I remember the tears, hugs and embrace of total strangers that Jesus brought together through a gently used purse. There is no Netflix show, sporting event or vacation that is more rewarding or memorable than the times we answer God’s call to serve the spiritual, physical and emotional needs of others. Time is short so let’s pray for opportunities to serve; let’s have our antennas up for those in need; and let’s have the courage and discipline to be a blessing to those God calls us to serve! 

Pray: God, I need Your presence in my life every minute of the day. Protect me from the sinfulness and evilness of this world with a hedge of protection. Convict me of my unrighteousness and help me to put the needs of others before my own. I want to walk in trust and faith. Lord, every day please show me the way. I want to love You with my heart and soul and strength. Father, let my life bring You joy…Amen!  

Read: Mathew 25: 31-46; James 4:13-14  

Weekly Memory Verse: “I do not ask that you take them out of the world, but that you keep them from the evil one.” John17:15, ESV