Jenna Worsham 

Today’s Scripture: “...praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” Acts 2:47, ESV 

Theme: A community connected to the Holy Spirit and the Church praises God, has favor with people, and becomes a growing community with many being saved! 


A community connected to the Holy Spirit and the Church praises God. He is good, and we see His hand in the good results around us. We don’t take credit; we give it right back to whom it always belonged. Watch your leaders – Do they elevate their own status or are they humble, self-deprecating, quick to point out their own flaws, and willing to admit mistakes? Do they give God the credit, praising Him for the things He has done? I had to laugh when our very new senior pastor said, “I’m not a shepherd,” in his first message! I was concerned. Then he proceeded to describe himself humbly, as a sheepdog, barking and pointing us back to the real Shepherd, Jesus. Praising God, not elevating myself too much, having the confidence to point followers directly to Jesus – those qualities lead well and win favor. 


Seeking favor can go very wrong. The “fellowship of believers” described in the passages before and after our verse of the day (Acts 2:42-47) were a group who devoted themselves to following Jesus with their time, money, talents, and words. Favor was a byproduct of their community practices. The Acts Chapter Two Church was seeking holiness, generosity, and likeness to Jesus.  


I can’t remember when I learned how to swim. I was tiny. We had pools, and I spent hot summers in California, soaking wet, tired and slathered in sunscreen. I went to swim-themed summer camp. My brother played water polo. The pool was our place.  

After high school, I earned money by life guarding and teaching swimming lessons. You are more likely to drown if you don’t know how to swim. Teaching lessons meant I could help prevent others from drowning and they, in turn, could tell others about my classes or teach their friends how to swim.  

You and I know about something more crucial and lifesaving than swimming: Jesus. When the Holy Spirit saturates His Church, we will praise God, have favor with people, and many will be saved for eternity.  

Make It Personal: Would you hesitate to teach a non-swimmer how to swim? Or if you don’t feel comfortable teaching, would you suggest a professional swimming lesson? Consider how your invitation to church might be a lifesaver for someone you know. Easter is almost here! Invite a friend. 

Pray: Thank You, God, for the community around me, for my serving team, Life Group, my family, and those I see at the weekend service. Help us to give praise and glory to You for the many good gifts You provide. Help us to be so much like Jesus that we have favor with those around us ... and as a result, many would be saved. Please give me the opportunity to reach out to my friends this week, inviting them to Easter services, or my own home for a meal. You have given me so much, and I want to generously share it with others for Your glory, not mine. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 

Read: Acts 2:40-47; 1 Corinthians 10:31-33 

Weekly Memory Verse: “...complete my joy by being of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.” Philippians 2:2 (ESV)