Friday - JUST DO IT


Carey Madding

Today's Scripture: “So he went down and dipped himself seven times in the Jordan, according to the word of the man of God, and his flesh was restored like the flesh of a little child, and he was clean.” 2 Kings 5:14, ESV

Theme: But if we will obey, at last, we will be washed, cleansed and healed by the blood of Jesus, just like Naaman was healed of his leprosy when he obeyed.


Have you ever suffered with an ailment, skin problem, or something like a sleep disorder for a long time? Chronic conditions often lead to some sort of depression. Chronic pain almost always does. Have you ever had the experience of mentioning something you were going through and being told of a simple, natural, or homeopathic remedy? Did you immediately jump for joy...or were you skeptical?

Seriously, most of the “cures” I am offered sound like voodoo, but some of them are amazing. They are also simple and cheap. Although the essential oil craze is a bit suspect to me, peppermint oil does help my headaches. My mom’s reflux was greatly helped by bricks under the headboard legs, placing the mattress on a slight incline. Tart cherry juice does seem to help one go to sleep. For our water-loving labradoodle, a simple saltwater squirt after his swims helped with the itching and swimmers’ ear. Chickweed balm for eczema, colloidal silver for nasal passages and immune support, garlic oil for earaches, turmeric for aching joints, chopped up onions on warts: I haven’t tried all of these, but they are all home remedies which people absolutely swear by.


When we hear of “miracle cures,” it is hard to have any hope. It’s hard to make the effort, only to be disappointed once again, especially if you have been to doctor after doctor and have not found any relief.

In the case of Naaman, it really was a miracle cure. Its simplicity was stunning. Like the Gospel itself, the fact that it was SO easy felt TOO easy. Naaman just had to accept and step out in faith and obedience, exactly as we must accept the curative power of the Gospel. It’s so easy that there is nothing for us to do...and that is a stumbling block. Yet it’s true. Nothing I can do or not do will take away from the simple power of the death and resurrection of Jesus, Son of the Living God.

Likewise, Jesus has some simple (though not easy) answers to some of life’s toughest problems. Don’t take revenge, but heap kindness upon and pray for your enemies. Don’t demand your rights, but turn the other cheek. Don’t be self-righteous, but show mercy, as you have been shown mercy, to break down the walls of resistance and hatred. Most importantly, don’t depend on your own goodness, but trust in the salvation Jesus bought for you.

Make It Personal: If you need healing and restoration in your life, choose to obey. It may be a simple thing, but God works miracles by His Spirit. Your faith and obedience do not bring it about, but without them—without your obedience to the simple request He has made of you—there is no miracle. Step into the river, the relationship, the spiritual discipline which God has been showing you...and be healed.

Pray: Lord of heaven and earth, You have made all things and You know all about me. You can use all things to bring about Your will, as you used the five loaves and two fishes. Use my obedience in whatever You say to bring about change in my life and in the lives of those around me. I am ready to take or do whatever curative treatment is necessary to heal the unholy parts of myself. In Jesus’ Name I pray, amen.

Read: 1 Corinthians 1:18-25; Proverbs 3:7-8, 29:1

Weekly Memory Verse: “Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus, who, though he was in the form of God, did not count equality with God a thing to be grasped, but emptied himself, by taking the form of a servant, being born in the likeness of men.” Philippians 2:5-7, ESV