Daphne Powell

Today's Scripture: “But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light.” I Peter 2:9, ESV

Theme: When Jesus is alive in us, we will live out our purpose to tell others about Him.


As Jesus followers we are instructed to sow seeds (Matthew 13). But sometimes we don’t feel confident because we don’t know the Bible front to back, or we feel that our sin keeps us from speaking to someone else about their sin and need of a Savior. Our purpose is to tell others about Him. So, we must have faith to know that He will give us the words to say. He will give us the tools to plant. Sometimes when we plant, we want to see the blooming. Yet that is not what we are commanded to do. We are to show others who He is through our loving example first and sometimes with our words.


Can you know God if you don’t go to Him in prayer, by reading His word, and by reaching others? To bring others to Him we must go to them. I have found that serving puts you on the path with others. To plant seeds, you must interact with people. Serving lets you walk with them; sometimes in front to lead, sometimes behind to push and sometimes beside to comfort. This is why planting is so important, it starts people on the path towards Jesus.


As we plant seeds don’t forget to tend to your own garden. To grow we must stay in His word. Not always to remember verses word for word, but to recall the Bible regularly so it can “speak” to us. We worship Him in song and have quiet time to not just pray but to listen. We must be sure to use our gifts and talents for His good. If you are unsure what your purpose is, continue following God on the path and ask Him to reveal your next right step. Staying close to God and bringing Him glory means you’re fulfilling your purpose even if you don’t understand it yet.

Make It Personal: So many times, I question if I am using my talents for Him. I wonder if my purpose is His purpose. But I know if I stop and go to Him for ALL things, if I follow Him ALL the time, I know that He plants the best seed. He directs me to the right path that will help me to grow and bless others. What is your next step? How can you change your day to spend time serving and walking with someone who needs Jesus?

Pray: Dear Lord, help me to have the faith of a mustard seed so I can blossom and bear fruit. I know that you love me and want me to grow. I pray that I don’t let distractions get in the way of “planting.”

Read: Ephesians 2:4-10; John 3:3; Matthew 13:18-32

Weekly Memory Verse: “But the angel said to the women, ‘Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here, for he has risen, as he said.’” Matthew 28:5-6a, ESV