From Fear to Peace
The list of fearful things is not only endless, but completely different for each one of us. You might have a snake as a pet, or faint at the sight of one! But it is a universal truth that we all have some fears. How do we move from fear to the peace of God? Let’s look at the Good Shepherd and all He does and provides for us.
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All the Feels - Part 1 – From Fear to Confidence - DG
There are not many areas of our lives where we don’t experience insecurity, if not outright fear. Maybe for you, it’s an insecurity about your abilities, personality, relationships, your finances, or your image. How can we move from those feelings of insecurity and fear towards confidence in God? How can we trust that He is always with us and working in our lives?
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Dreams - Part 4 – When Your Dream Comes True - DG
We strive so hard to get that promotion, achievement, or acclaim. But what comes next? Is it disappointment or disorientation? Even when we are pursuing God’s purposes in our lives, we can be left without vision or a next step. We learn this week that God is never done with us. We learn how to finish well, continuing in our service, giving all the glory to God.
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Dreams - Part 3 - Test Yourself - DG
There are so many issues that keep us from accomplishing our goals and realizing our dreams. But what about the dangers of reaching them and gaining a measure of success? Let’s spend some time considering our attitudes, testing ourselves and our hearts.
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Dreams - Part 2 - God's Dream or My Dream? - DG
Last week, we started our series by talking about Joseph and how God used him, despite the struggles and obstacles in his life. This week, we continue talking about Joseph. We learn how we can distinguish between what are our goals and ambitions, as opposed to God’s purpose and calling for our lives.
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