Discussion Guide
How are you doing with the Romans' journey? God’s word is alive and active and has the power to transform us. Don’t give up, it’s worth the effort. This week our focus was on Romans 12-14. Paul provides us with practical guidance for living out our faith-encouraging us to use our gifts for God and others, how we deal with authority, and pursue peace with one another.
What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.
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1. Have you had a time where you were arrogant concerning something you did well? What made you become aware of your arrogance or pride?
2. Read Romans 12:3-13. How do we keep sober judgment about ourselves? Have you discovered your gift or assignment given to you by God? How can you use that for the benefit of others?
3. Read Romans 12:14-19. Have you struggled to keep peace in certain relationships in your life? How can verse 19 comfort you and help you move past the hurt, pain, and frustration in that relationship? Discuss all the ways God calls us to treat others in this passage.
4. Read Romans 14:1,13-15,19. Why is it important that we don’t argue over opinions, especially with someone new or weak in faith? In what ways can we be careful to not do things that cause others to stumble?
5. Action Step: How will you apply the message this week to your daily life? Pray: We were created to bring honor and glory to God. Help us to have a sober judgement of ourselves, use our gifts for others, and to live peacefully with others as we live out each day.