Tell Me Lies - Part 3 – Life Is All About My Happiness

Part 3 – Life Is All About My Happiness 

Discussion Guide  

No matter what you have or what you are striving to attain, your soul is looking for something more than short-term happiness. Yes, achievements and acquisitions will make you happy for a season. But long-term satisfaction is found only in a life that honors God and is focused on eternity, not the here and now. 

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time. 

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1. If there was one thing you could change in your life to make you happier, what would it be? 

2. Read Matthew 16:13-21. What is the conclusion the disciples come to believe, and which Peter declares? What is Jesus’ specific response to Peter? Why does Jesus immediately go into His coming death and resurrection?  

3. Read Matthew 16:22-26. Why is Peter so strongly, even harshly, rebuked after he was so recently commended? Why does Jesus call him Satan? Afterwards, Jesus teaches the great truths of what it means to be a Christ follower. List what you learn here.  If we do these things, how can we trust that God will take care of our earthly needs?  

4. Read Matthew 20:25-28. By clinging to this life, what do you try to gain? Who are “the Gentiles” in this passage and who do they represent? If you want to be a citizen of heaven, what will you be doing here on earth? Who will be the highest-ranking person? How should this encourage you?   

5. Read Luke 14:25-27. What does Jesus mean when He says you should hate your relations, even your own life? Is it conflicting that we are told to enjoy our lives and to hate them? 


Action Step: How can you pursue the kingdom of heaven here on earth? Serve, give, and pray. In which one of these areas is the Spirit challenging you this week?  

Pray: Lord God, I thank You for sending Your Son. Jesus, I thank You. Although You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God, You sacrificed it all for me. Help me to follow: to lay down my life in obedience to You. Help me to pursue citizenship in heaven, not happiness on earth. Help me withstand the temptations to live in the “here and now” and live for Your kingdom, Your purposes, and Your glory in my life. In Jesus’ Name, Amen. 


Jesus was tempted in the desert in all the ways that humans are tempted. We also saw above that He was tempted (by Satan through Peter’s words) to avoid the foretold death on the cross, as well as in the Garden, and other “opportune times” (Luke 4:13). Thankfully, He submitted His will to God’s plan because He loved us!  

6. Read 1 John 2:15-17. What kinds of things make up the “things of the world”? What types of temptations do you think these are? 

7. Read Matthew 4:1-4. Where was Jesus? Why? What is the first thing He is tempted with? Is this a valid temptation? How do we overcome this temptation? 


8. Read Matthew 4:5-7. What is the underlying temptation which tempts us in this situation? How do we overcome this temptation? 

9, Read Matthew 4:8-11. What temptation is here that similarly attracts us? How would this tempt Jesus to avoid the cross? How do we overcome similar temptations? 

10. Finally, we can overcome temptations in the same way that Jesus did. Read Hebrews 4:12, Psalm 46:10, and Exodus 14:14. In what ways is the Word of God like a sword? How can using this weapon help us to have peace and learn to be still? How does this give you confidence in every temptation?