Tell Me Lies - Part 2 – I'm Not Valuable

Part 2 – I'm Not Valuable 

Discussion Guide  

We can be so easily influenced by others. They tell us we need more or less. We need to be bolder or quieter. We need to be older or younger! The truth of God needs to ring loudly and clearly in our hearts and minds. Then we must choose to believe what God says, not what others say about us, our abilities, or our value.  

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time. 

Jump Start 

1. How valuable are you to you? What lie do you tell yourself? 

2. Read 1 Samuel 17:12-20. Briefly, what was going on? What was David’s role and his attitude to his father? What characteristics does this suggest? Read 1 Samuel 17:4-11. What had been happening on the battlefield before David arrived?  

3. Read 1 Samuel 17:26, 28-30. What do you feel is David’s attitude when he first learns of the challenge? What does his brother assume is his opinion? How was the enemy trying to accuse David and lessen his sense of confidence and worth? How did David turn from the lies? How does this apply to you and the message point: Turn away from the lies and turn to the truth. How have you personally had to do this and choose to listen to God’s truth? 

4. Read 1 Samuel 17:33-37. Again, David is treated dismissively. By whom? What difficulties had David already been through that “qualified” him? Read 1 Samuel 17:38-40. Once Saul agreed to let David fight Goliath, what did he do? Why was that wrong? Why did David have more confidence in a slingshot than in a sword and armor? Have you ever been pressured (as Saul pressured David) to do things someone else’s way? Do you turn to a self-help book or expert instead of the Word of God? How do you stay focused on God’s plan? 

5 Action Step: “If only” makes us long to be something God did not create us to be. Who are you being pressured to “be” by others? Or, how are you pressuring yourself? As a group, repeat this important point: I am valuable in the eyes of Jesus; He created me on purpose and for a purpose. My value is not based on how others see me, but how my God sees me.   

Pray: Dear Lord, thank You for creating me as You want me to be. Help me see through the lies of the enemy. Help me lean on You and remember all the ways You have upheld me in the past. Help me remember You can and still do what You promise. Show me Your purpose for my life. In Jesus’ Name. Amen.  


This weekend’s message referred to King David as an example of someone who used every skill and ability he was given by God to its fullest, to fulfill God’s purposes in his life. Check it out! 

6. Read 1 Samuel 16:6-13. What was Samuel told about the first two sons by God? What is the one thing that God requires most of all? When we meet David, what gifts does he already have? What immediate gift was he given at his anointing? 

7. Read 1 Samuel 17:20-37. What do you see immediately in verse 20? Why was his brother angry at him? How did David respond? Was he boastful? How would you describe his responses to the King?  

8. Read 1 Samuel 21:8-10. What is David’s current situation? (There is more detail in Chapter 21.) What do you think about David’s request for a sword? How does this differ from his response to Saul’s offer of armor? What is the immense irony in this about-face? This was not always David’s confidence. Read Psalm 44:5-7.