Movies at the Cove - Week 4

Discussion Guide 

In a world filled with hate, bitterness, and chaos, there is still something bigger that has the power to change us. That is the love of Jesus Christ! His love can change lives and unite people even in chaos. This weekend we watched a movie called Woodlawn. A true story about a football team in Birmingham Alabama in 1973, when racial tension was at an all-time high. When one man dared to share the love of Christ, it showed the power of love and brought the miracle of unity.  

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.  

Jump Start  

1. Try this quick, unity building, fun game with your group: Have everyone get in order of their birthday, but the catch is you cannot use words, only gestures, hand motions, etc. Or try this icebreaker: What was something silly that you were afraid of when you were young?  

2. What were some of your thoughts or feelings when watching the clips of Woodlawn and hearing the message this weekend? In what ways do you see chaos and disunity around us today?  

3. Read Psalm 37:8 NLT.  How does expressing and living in anger show that we are trying to control the situation? Why is anger never the answer?  

4. Read Ephesians 2:14, 1 Peter 3:8, John 13:34-35 NLT. How have you seen with your own eyes the unity Jesus can bring? How can we disagree with someone but still show love? 

5. Read John 17:23 NLT. Do you believe in miracles? As a believer will you be willing to show what you are for more than what you are against? Are you brave enough to share how Jesus has changed your life?  

Action Step: May God use The Cove Church to radically love and show what we are for, more than what we are against and create unity in our community. We pray you have enjoyed Movies at the Cove and will apply the lessons learned to your lives. Keep inviting, our journey has just begun.