Movies at the Cove - Week 2

Discussion Guide 

This week at Movies at the Cove we watched Sully. The true story of Pilot Sullenberger landing his damaged plane in the Hudson River to save the lives of the passengers and crew. Only later to be questioned and scrutinized of his decision. Let’s look at how we can relate this to following God with conviction and certainty.  

What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.  

Jump Start  

1. Have you ever crashed any kind of vehicle? Have you ever felt you did the right thing in a particular situation and later questioned your decision?  

2. Read Joshua 24:15. Consider a time you made a commitment to follow God in an area of your life and had others question you. Or a time you made a commitment to God and the blessings that have come from that decision.  

3. Read Mark 1:35, Luke 5:16, Matthew 4:4. God wants to speak to each of us. What distractions do you need to remove for this to happen? How will you commit to spending time in prayer? What work do you need to put in to knowing the word of God? 

4. Read Ecclesiastes 4:12, Proverbs 27:17. Do you have people in your life that help you stay lined up with scripture? How has the community in your group challenged and grown your walk with Christ?   

Action Step: Over the next few weeks, we have the privilege and opportunity to invite people to Movies at The Cove. As you will see we will not have a “deeper section” during this time. We can be active and grow in our faith by going out, praying for the right opportunities, share your story, and share the gospel. Hand out an invite and just say, “come and see” and let the Holy Spirit do the rest. This could change their lives forever.