Part 2 – From Fear to Peace
Discussion Guide
The list of fearful things is not only endless, but completely different for each one of us. You might have a snake as a pet, or faint at the sight of one! But it is a universal truth that we all have some fears. How do we move from fear to the peace of God? Let’s look at the Good Shepherd and all He does and provides for us.
What you will need: A Bible or your Bible app, a notebook, pen, and highlighter. The verses highlighted below are linked so that you can easily access them during your study time.
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1. What is one thing you wish you had and think will make you content or at peace?
2. Read Psalm 23:1. How does David describe the Lord in this scripture? Do you see God the same way David does? How does Jesus describe Himself in John 10:14-15? In what area(s) do you need to let Jesus be your Shepherd? What burdens or needs does David have? In what areas do you trust Him to meet your needs, so that you are not in want? Discuss this verse: 2 Corinthians 9:8.
3. Read Psalm 23:2-3. How is David surrendering or submitting to God as his shepherd in these verses? What command comes to mind regarding rest? Does submitting to God’s commands lead to? How are you surrendering to God’s restoration in your life? What prevents you from being restored or refreshed by God? How do these same disciplines help you live a godly life?
4. Read Psalm 23:4 and Acts 1:8. Why was David so confident to be able to make a bold claim? What could make someone so “comfortable” and at peace while going through such a dark season? How can we learn to live more like David, with such a sense of childlike faith he had with God? What is the “gift” of more power, confidence, and the presence of God for believers today?
5. Final Thought: Read Psalm 23:5-6. What does David say will always prevail? Do you believe this? Why or why not? How has God “shown out” in your life in front of others? How does that allow you to be comforted by the Lord and put your trust in Him? What can you do this week to further trust God and allow Him to restore and satisfy you?
6. Read Philippians 4:11-13. Paul was imprisoned while writing Philippians. Why does Paul say he is content even though he is in this situation? What secret has Paul learned? How can we learn to be content when we have little, yet remain humble when we have plenty?
7. Read John 4:13-14. What does this scripture say will help us to be satisfied, content, or in peace? What are things people try to fulfill their thirst instead of the living water? Why do we try to fill our thirst with earthly things rather than turning to Christ?
8. Read Matthew 6:25-34. This passage tells us that we should not be anxious about anything and even provides examples of things we are anxious about. When we are anxious about these things, we are not leaning into Jesus as dumb sheep, willingly following the One who will provide for all of our needs. Jesus gives us peace, contentment, and satisfaction as He supplies all we need, just as He does for the birds of the air or lilies of the field mentioned in the passage. Using the space below, write down some areas in your life (or share with your group) where you need to either not be anxious or areas you need to turn to God to fulfill you.